19th International EBHC Symposium
Shaping the future of sustainable healthcare
October 10-11, 2024 | Krakow, Poland
Live video from the 19th EBHC 2024 Symposium
- Session 1: Priorities of EU Health Policy
- Session 2: Healthcare systems private or public?
- Session 3: Efficency of healthcare systems – preventative care and medicines
- Session 4: Local Government Academy. Prevention and health promotion
- Session 5: Efficiency of healthcare systems – medical devices and services
- Session 6: The future of HTA – latest trends
Session 1: Priorities of EU Health Policy
Day 1 | Thursday, October 10, 2024, 9.00-10.15
The opening session of the 19th EBHC Symposium will be devoted to the key challenges, including those be faced by the European countries. Its participants will learn about the health priorities for the upcoming Polish presidency in the EU which begins in January 2025. The session will be concluded with a lecture on the impact of the Joint Clinical Assessment on the reimbursement of health technologies.
- Opening of the Symposium
Magdalena Władysiuk, Tomasz Jan Prycel (15 min.) - Kluczowe elementy Joint Clinical Assessment w UE
Elena Petelos (20 min.) - Joint Clinical Assessment vs reimbursement
of healthcare technologies in Poland
Joanna Parkitna (20 min.) top
Session 2: Healthcare systems private or public?
Day 1 | Thursday, October 10, 2024, 10.30-12.00
The second session will include a debate on the role of private and public healthcare systems and the shaping of their relations and dependencies in the near future. The panel will constitute a discussion of experts in various fields,, including representatives of public institutions and the WHO who will discuss the challenges, benefits, and dangers resulting from the functioning of both sectors. top
Session 3: Efficency of healthcare systems – preventative care and medicines
Day 1 | Thursday, October 10, 2024, 13.00-15.00
The third session focuses on the efficiency of healthcare systems with a particular emphasis on preventative care and access to drug technologies. The session participants will have a chance to learn about the latest health priorities concerning preventative activities, shaping of vaccination availability, as well as challenges related to the access to medicines, including therapies used in rare diseases and oncology. The session will be divided into two thematic sections: preventative care and medicines.
Part 1: Prevention
- Prevention in the state’s health priorities
Marta Pawłowska (20 min)
Presentation regarding the significance of preventative care in healthcare policies at the national level and the possibilities to improve its effectiveness. - Efficiency of vaccination systems
Marcin Czech (20 min)
Discussing the effectiveness of the national vaccination programmes and their impact on public health.
Part 2: Drug policy
- Rare diseases - can access be improved? The example of Czechia
Martin Kolek (20 min)
Analysis of the Czech approach to improving access to rare disease therapies and possibilities to adapt these solutions in other countries. - Aktualne wyzwania systemowe i refundacyjne dla terapii określonych w czasie – na przykładzie przewlekłej białaczki limfocytowej
Magdalena Władysiuk (20 min)
The presentation touches upon the issue of long-term costs of cancer therapies and their impact on the reimbursement systems. It focuses on the need to find a balance between the effectiveness of treatment and its financial accessibility in the long-term perspective.
The session will provide the participants with valuable information on how to improve the efficiency of healthcare systems by the proper management of preventative care and drug programmes. top
Day 2 | Friday, October 11, 2024
Session 4: Prevention and health promotion
Day 2 | Friday, October 11, 2024, 9.00-11.15
The fourth session devoted to preventative care and health promotion focuses on the efficiency of healthcare programmes implemented by local governments. A discussion with experts in this field will cover the practical aspects of implementation and the assessment of the efficiency of local healthcare policy programmes.
- Assessing the efficiency of healthcare policy programmes in local governments
Jacek Siwiec (20 min.) - Senior Citizen policy in practice: strategies, challenges, and key components of health programmes
Marta Podhorecka (20 min.) - Przeszłość, teraźniejszość i przyszłość programów polityki zdrowotnej
Marek Wójcik (20 min.) - Financing health policy programs from EU funds - nearest prospects
Edyta Masłowska-Parafian (20 min.) - Local Government Academy - "Poland Free from HCV" project
Tomasz Jan Prycel (15 min.)
In the discussion panel (60 min.), the experts will talk about the current trends and challenges in health promotion, as well as the methods for optimising healthcare policies at the local level. This debate is an opportunity to exchange experiences and takeaways from implemented preventative programmes and cross-sectoral cooperation. top
Session 5: Efficiency of healthcare systems
– medical devices and healthcare services
Day 2 | Friday, October 11, 2024, 11.30-13.10
The fifth session will continue and complement the third session from the previous day. We will be discussing the efficiency of healthcare systems in terms of accessibility of medical devices through shaping healthcare services from various perspectives, including the perspective of the Ministry of Health, HTA, and manufacturers of medical devices. The discussion will focus on challenges related to cost management, efficiency, and availability of new technologies and healthcare services.
- Efficiency of healthcare systems – the Ministry of Health’s perspective
Konrad Korbiński (25 min.)
The presentation covers key issues related to optimising the efficiency of the healthcare system in Poland, with emphasis on the public policies and decisions aiming at improving the availability and quality of healthcare services. - Wydajność systemów ochrony zdrowia dla wyrobów wyrobów medycznych (diagnostyka – w tym in vitro, terapia, rehabilitacja, e-zdrowie)
Magdalena Władysiuk (25 min.)
This part will cover the impact of new health technologies on the healthcare systems, as well as the methods for measuring their efficiency and profitability. - Efficiency of healthcare systems – the manufacturers’ perspective
Ewa Warmińska-Friberg (25 min.)
The manufacturers’ perspective will focus on the challenges related to the introduction of innovative medical devices to the market, and their assessment by reimbursement systems. top
Session 6: The future of HTA – latest trends
Day 2 | Friday, October 11, 2024, 14.10-16.20
The sixth session is devoted to the future of health technology assessment (HTA), with particular consideration of digital innovations and their integration with healthcare systems. The experts will discuss the challenges and the possibilities connected with the implementation of new technologies, such as digital applications and artificial intelligence. In the final part of the Symposium, we will check whether the innovations in data management translate to the quality of healthcare – based on the example of cancer care experiences in Poland.
- Machining learning impact on HTA i RWE
Iñaki Gutiérrez-Ibarluzea (25 min.)
The presentation concerns the role played by machine learning in health technology assessment (HTA) and Real-World Evidence (RWE). It will discuss the possibilities to apply artificial intelligence in the analysis of health data which could revolutionise decision-making in the healthcare system. - From Science Fiction to Health Fact: Generative AI’s Transformative Impact on HTA
Anais Gonzalez Iglesias (20 min.)
Anais Gonzalez Iglesias omówi rosnącą rolę generatywnej sztucznej inteligencji w ocenie technologii medycznych, pokazując, jak te narzędzia przekształcają podejście do analizy klinicznej. Prelegentka wyjaśni, jak AI staje się realnym narzędziem, które wpływa na badania kliniczne i procesy decyzyjne. - Quality indicators in cancer care – the Polish experience
Aleksandra Sztuder (20 min.)
Aleksandra Sztuder will present experiences from implementing quality indicators of cancer care in Poland, while highlighting the challenges and successes in the improvement of cancer patient treatment. - AI in science development - how automation is changing scientific research
Joanna Turkiewicz (20 min.)
The use of artificial intelligence in data analysis is already a revolution in science, not just a tool of the future. Automation of key processes allows scientists to focus on creative aspects of research and implement results more efficiently. Thanks to AI, work becomes more effective and precise. During the presentation, we will consider whether AI has already become an inseparable element of modern research, opening up new possibilities for researchers. We will also discuss the ethical aspects of using AI in science. - Key methodical aspects of RWE
Robert Plisko (20 min.)
This presentation focuses on using Real-World Evidence (RWE) in HTA, with emphasis on their effectiveness and safety. The speaker will talk about how data obtained from real-world evidence can support reimbursement and regulatory decisions. The speaker will share an innovative approach to the assessment and the improvement of the efficiency of health technologies, with the particular consideration of digital solutions.
This session will be the last session of the Symposium and it will conclude the discussion on the future of sustainable healthcare and innovations in the HTA processes. The participants will have a chance to exchange their views on the future of HTA and the latest health technology trends. top