Międzynarodowego Sympozjum EBHC 2016-2021
Paweł Adamkiewicz, Poland | Francis Arickx, Belgium | Małgorzata Bała, Poland | Marion Bennie, UK | Stefan Bogusławski, Poland | André Broekmans, Netherlands | Stepchen Campbell, UK | Myriam de Chalendar, France | John Eric Chaplin, Sweden |
Oriana Ciani, Spain |
Joan Cornet Prat, Spain | Piotr Czauderna, Poland |
Małgorzata Czajkowska-Malinowska, Poland | Marcin Czech, Poland | Aleksandra Czerw, Poland |
Dávid Dankó, Hungary | Hans-Peter Dauben, Germany |
Jaroslaw Duba, Czech Republic |
Dominik Dziurda, Poland |Joanna Didkowska, Poland |
Karen Facey, UK |
Carla Fernández Barceló, Spain |
Wolfgang Frisch, Germany |
Kamilla Gaitova, Kazakhstan |
Krzysztof Giannopoulos, Poland |
Jakub Gierczyński, Poland |
John Gillespie, Australia |
Maria Giżewska, Poland |
Brian Godman, UK |
Wim Goettsch, Netherlands |
Alicia Granados Navarrete, Spain |
Sylwia Grzesiak-Ambroży, Poland |
Alan Haycox, UK |
Mikael Hoffmann, Sweden |
Erica Ison, UK |
Stanisław Iwańczak, Poland |
Michał Jakubczyk, Poland |
Urszula Jaworska, Poland |
Tadeusz Jędrzejczyk, Poland |
Bradley Johnston, Canada |
Mateusz Juchniewicz, Poland |
Grzegorz Juszczyk, Poland |
Alastair Kent, UK |
Paulina Kieszkowska-Knapik, Poland |
Miloslav Klugar, Czech Republic |
Katarzyna Kolasa, Poland |
Roman Jacek Kolek, Poland |
Martin Kolek, Czech Republic |
Mariusz Kordecki, Poland |
Anna Kordecka, Poland |
Dorota Korycińska, Poland |
Anna Kostera-Pruszczyk, Poland |
Katarzyna Kotulska-Jóźwiak, Poland |
Oskar Kowalski, Poland |
Maciej Krawaczyk, Poland |
Zbigniew Król, Poland |
Dušan Krstić, Czech Republic |
Anna Kupiecka, Poland |
Brygida Kwiatkowska, Poland |
Line Helen Linstad, Norway |
Maria Libura, Poland |
Krzysztof Łanda, Poland |
Joanna Łapa, Poland |
Adam Maciejczyk, Poland |
Kamila Malinowska, Poland |
Maciej Małecki, Poland |
Ileana Mardare, Romania |
Piotr Merks, Poland |
Piotr Miazga, Poland |
Maciej Niewada, Poland |
Rafał Niżankowski, Poland |
Tanja Novakovic, Serbia |
James O’Brien, Australia |
Wija Oortwijn, Netherlands |
Chris L. Pashos, USA |
Elena Petelos, Netherlands / Greece |
Maria Piętak-Frączek, Poland |
Ozren Pezo, Croatia |
Vinciane Pirard, Belgium |
Robert Plisko, Poland |
Tadeusz Popiela, Poland |
Maarten J. Postma, Netherlands |
Csilla Pozsgay, Hungary |
Tomasz Jan Prycel, Poland |
Maria Psenkova, Slovakia |
Michał Rataj, Poland |
Paulina Rolska-Wójcik, Poland |
Przemysław Ryś, Poland |
Joanna Rzempała, Poland |
Katarzyna Sabiłło, Poland |
Stefan Sauerland, Germany |
Ad R. Schuurman, Netherlands |
Holger Schünemann, Canada |
Markus Siebert, Belgium |
Steven Simoens, Belgium |
Iwona Skrzekowska-Baran, Poland |
Małgorzata Skweres-Kuchta, Poland |
Agnieszka Słowik, Poland |
Sophie Söderholm Werkö, Sweden |
Sophie Staniszewska, UK |
Mitchell Sugarman, USA |
Wojciech Szefke, Poland |
Andrzej Śliwczyński, Poland |
Bartosz Świdrak, Poland |
Tomasz Tatara, Poland |
Victoria Thomas, UK |
Roman Topór-Mądry, Poland |
Ewa Urban, Poland |
Mieczysław Walczak, Poland |
Ewa Warmińska, Poland |
Björn Wettermark, Sweden |
Wojtek Wiercioch, Canada |
Magdalena Władysiuk, Poland |
Agnieszka Wojtecka, Poland |
Marek Wójcik, Poland |
Wojciech Wysoczański, Poland |
Vladimir Zah, Canada |
Rafał Zasiewski, Poland |
Wojciech Zawalski, Poland

Paweł Adamkiewicz | Poland | 2018
President of the Polish Functional Rehabilitation Centre VOTUM S.A. Manager of the Healthcare Entity of the Polish Functional Rehabilitation Centre VOTUM S.A. implementing a health care programme for the treatment and rehabilitation of adult comatosed patients within the NFZ system.
Vice-President of the Polish Chamber of Physiotherapists Chairman of the budgetary team of the Polish Chamber of Physiotherapists. He has been a professor at the University of Physical Education in Cracow at the Department of Rehabilitation in Neurology and Psychiatry for many years. A physiotherapist with over 20 years of professional experience in rehabilitation of patients with multi-organ traumas, in particular with craniocerebral traumas.
He participated in numerous internationally recognised courses, among others on neurological rehabilitation. Member of international associations and organisations. Speaker at academic conferences and author of articles on neurological rehabilitation. top

Przewodzi dyrektoriatowi ds. Refundacji leków i polityki lekowej Departamentu Opieki Zdrowotnej Narodowego Instytutu Ubezpieczenia Zdrowotnego oraz Niepełnosprawności (NIHDI RIZIV/INAMI) w Belgii. Zarządza departamentami odpowiedzialnymi za administrację oraz ocenę naukową i wartościującą wniosków refundacyjnych dla leków, w tym leków sierocych oraz żywności specjalnego przeznaczenia medycznego.
Był sekretarzem generalnym Komisji Refundacji Leków, działa także jako przedstawiciel/ekspert Instytutu oraz Belgii w licznych krajowych i Europejskich platformach (NM CAPR, MEDEV, MoCA). Jest jednym z koordynatorów krajowych inicjatywy BeNeLuxA www.beneluxa.org.
Francis ukończył studia farmaceutyczne na Uniwersytecie w Gandawie w Belgii i wykłada politykę zdrowotną w Departamencie Nauk Farmaceutycznych Uniwersytetu w Antwerpii. top

Dr hab. Małgorzata Bała, prof. UJ jest pracownikiem Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie. Z zagadnieniami evidence-based healthcare jest związana od początku swojej pracy zawodowej. Jest współautorką rozdziałów w podręczniku pt. “Podstawy EBM, czyli medycyny opartej na danych naukowych dla lekarzy i studentów medycyny” (2008) oraz autorem wielu publikacji z zakresu przeglądów systematycznych. top

Marion Bennie | UK | 2021
Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmacoepidemiology, University of Strathclyde and Chief Pharmacist, Public Health Scotland. Marion’s joint post is positioned to drive forward an evidence base to better inform the safe and effective use of medicines in routine clinical care. The clinical focus of her research is infection, cardiovascular and cancer including large dataset evaluation to understand evolving patterns of medicines use in routine clinical practice and the development and impact of tailored clinical decision support tools/ health interventions. Marion has lead the provisioning and curation of the Scottish Prescribing Information System (PIS) which captures all individual level community prescribing and dispensing events for the population of Scotland (5.6million) and most recently the national collection and curation of hospital individual level data to support COVID-19 efforts to understand the use and outcome of novel COVID treatments being used in clinical care outwith the clinical trial setting. Current strategic leadership roles include; Associate Director, Health Data Research (HDR) UK Scotland; Immediate past Chair, European Drug Utilisation Research Group (EuroDURG); lead for NHS Scotland Cancer Medicines Outcome Program. Marion is a: Fellow of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, UK ; a Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health, Royal Colleges of Physicians, UK, and; a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh. top

Stefan Bogusławski | Poland | 2016 2019
Lekarz, ekspert rynku zdrowia, specjalizujący się w zagadnieniach finansowania i strategii oraz w rynku farmaceutycznym. Stefan Bogusławski ma prawie 30 lat doświadczenia w badaniach rynku i doradztwie na rynku ochrony zdrowia. Przez 10 lat zarządzał Sequence i PEX PharmaSequence, przedtem, w latach 1991-2007 kierował polskim i środkowoeuropejskim oddziałem IMS Health oraz zarządzał firmą badawczą Azyx. Wielokrotnie występował na konferencjach branżowych w Polsce i innych krajach, jest również autorem publikacji w specjalistycznych i masowych mediach dotyczących polskiego rynku ochrony zdrowia, w szczególności rynku leków. Stefan Bogusławski jest absolwentem Warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego, tytuł lekarza uzyskał w 1985 roku. top
André W. Broekmans MD PhD | Netherlands | 2017
André is responsible for regulatory innovation at Lygature, an independent Dutch foundation fostering public-private partnerships in the development of medicines and medical technology. He is leading the Escher project. Currently André is coordinator of the IMI project ADAPT SMART. He has built up his regulatory experience, both with an European regulatory agency (as Head of Clinical Assessment and as Chief Executive Officer at the Dutch Medicines Evaluation Board) and with major pharmaceutical companies (senior management positions with MSD, Schering Plough, Organon). top
Stephen Campbell | UK | 2021
Professor Stephen Campbell is Chair in Primary Care Research at The University of Manchester and until recently Director of the National Institute for Health, Greater Manchester Patient Safety Translational Research Centre. He is a health services researcher with a particular interest in the quality and patient safety of primary care and across transitional care settings including social care, with a main focus on general/family practice. He has held research appointments as Professor at the University of Melbourne, University of Canberra and the Australian National University in Australia and at the University of Heidelberg in Germany. top
Myriam de Chalendar PhD | France | 2017
Myriam is currently project manager at the French National Health Network for Rare Diseases dedicated to the congenital malformations of head, neck and teeth, in Paris. The network coordinates at the national level the actions of all the stakeholders of this group of rare diseases, in order mainly to improve the patient care, to stimulate research and to develop information, training and education. She works notably on medical classifications and rare disease coding, and on improving social care. After graduation with a PhD in molecular and cellular biology of development, she taught molecular genetics and embryology for 3 years in a French university. Afterwards, she worked several years in industry during which she specialized in information science, in particular in data classification and controlled vocabularies, in the medical field. From 2010 to 2015, she led the Orphanet disability project, at the headquarters of Orphanet, the international portal for rare diseases and orphan drugs; it aims to describe the consequences on the patient functioning of each of the rare diseases. She collaborates with EURORDIS, the European alliance of rare disease patient organizations, as scientific contributor for improving social care and promoting the incorporation of rare diseases into social services and policies in each European country. top
John Eric Chaplin | Sweden | 2019
John Chaplin is an Associate Professor and Psychologist working for the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR), and the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. He is the project leader for the translation and implementation of patient reported outcome measures Information System (PROMIS) into the Swedish health care system, and the Swedish health quality registries. He is supervising a research project into the development of a person-centred toolbox to aid patients in the evaluation of their health care and empower them to become co-producers of care. He has worked on Quality-Of-Life and PROM issues in national and international projects including DISABKIDS, KIDSCREEN and PROMIS. He has been Principal Investigator for European projects including the EU RESPECT project reviewing children’s needs in clinical trials research. He is currently co-chair of the International Society for Quality of Life’s Special Interest Group for Children and the PROMIS National Centre leader for Sweden. top
Oriana Ciani | Italy | 2020
Oriana Ciani is Associate Professor of Practice, Public Management and Policy Group, Health Economics & HTA at SDA Bocconi School of Management. Her research interests are centred around the use and impact of Health Technology Assessment (HTA) on decision-making in healthcare, on the methodological aspects of the evaluation of health technologies, particularly medical devices, and on the use of evidence synthesis techniques to inform policy decisions and health policies evaluation. She is also Research Fellow at the University of Exeter Medical School (UK) where she received her PhD with a thesis focusing on the evaluation of surrogate endpoints in HTA, which remains one of her main research topics. Oriana has been involved in many national and international research projects. Oriana is author of several publications in HTA, health economics and health services research and reviewer for many international academic journals. She is member of the Early Career Committee of the European Health Economics Association (EuHEA), member of HTAi, of the International Association of Health Economics (iHEA), of the International Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR), of the Italian Association of Health Economics (AIES), of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE) and of the Italian Association of Clinical Engineers (AIIC). Oriana holds a MSc in Biomedical Engineering from Politecnico di Milano and MSc in Healthcare Management and Economics from Bocconi University. top
Joan Cornet Prat | Spain | 2021
Former Director of the ECHAlliance Digital Health Observatory (Dublin), Currently Business Development Advisor at DKV Innolab Digital Health (Barcelona), Senior Expert on the elaboration of Croatian National Digital Health Plan (2020-2025), External Expert of the European Institute of Technology - Health (Munich) and Executive Director of InnoHealth Academy. top
Małgorzata Czajkowska-Malinowska | Poland | 2021
Ordynator Oddziału Chorób Płuc i Niewydolności Oddychania z Pododdziałem NWM i Pododdziałem Zaburzeń Oddychania w Czasie Snu, Kierownik Centrum POChP i Niewydolności Oddychania Kujawsko-Pomorskiego Centrum Pulmonologii w Bydgoszczy, doktor nauk medycznych, internista, specjalista chorób płuc, ekspert Medycyny Snu (Certyfikat PTBS). Prezes – Elekt Polskiego Towarzystwa Chorób Płuc (PTChP), Członek Zarządu Polskiego Towarzystwa Badan nad Snem, Zastępca Przewodniczącego Sekcji Intensywnej Terapii i Rehabilitacji PTChP, Członek Grupy Nieinwazyjnej Wentylacji (ERS), od 2012 Rzecznik Prasowy PTChP. Współautorka Zaleceń PTChP. Członek Zespołu ds. pulmonologii powołanego przez Ministra Zdrowia (2011). Ekspert medyczny w pracach grup roboczych MZ, AOTMiT, NFZ, WHO. Autorka ponad 100 publikacji (prac, doniesień) z zakresu pneumonologii i promocji zdrowia, uczestnik wielu międzynarodowych prac wieloośrodkowych. Wykładowca szkoleń przeddyplomowych i podyplomowych dla lekarzy w ramach specjalizacji z chorób płuc, balneologii i medycyny rodzinnej. Fundator i Prezes Zarządu Fundacji ODDECH NADZIEI dla Cierpiących na Schorzenia Płuc i Oskrzeli, w latach 2003 – 2010 r. wice-przewodnicząca Społecznej Rady Osób Niepełnosprawnych przy Prezydencie Bydgoszczy. Autorka i koordynator ponad 20 programów z zakresu promocji zdrowia, a szczególnie z zakresu profilaktyki chorób płuc i działań antynikotynowych. Członek Zespołu do Spraw Opracowania i Wdrożenia „Interaktywnego programu zwalczania nikotynizmu u pacjentów leczonych w warunkach uzdrowiskowych”. Organizatorka pierwszego w Polsce Centrum POChP i Niewydolności Oddychania, pierwszego w Polsce pulmonologicznego Ośrodka Domowego Leczenia Respiratorem, inicjatorka powołania w Polsce pododdziałów Nieinwazyjnej Wentylacji Mechanicznej, koordynator programu polityki zdrowotnej MZ pn.”Krajowy Program Zmniejszania Umieralności z Powodu Przewlekłych Chorób Płuc Poprzez Tworzenie Sal Nieinwazyjnej Wentylacji Mechanicznej (NWM) na lata 2016-2019″. Pracuje nad zagadnieniami w zakresie poprawy wyników leczenia pacjentów poprzez wypracowanie standardów postępowania oraz zastosowanie nowych technik diagnostycznych i leczniczych w chorobach płuc. top
Piotr Czauderna | Poland | 2016
He is head of the Department of Surgery and Urology for Children and Adolescents at the Medical University of Gdańsk. Associate professor of the Medical University of Gdańsk. In the years:- 2006-2008 he was Representative of the Rector for the New University Hospital Programme at the Medical University of Gdańsk;
- 1996-2000 he was secretary of the General Assembly of the Polish Association of Paediatric Surgeons (PTChD),
- 2000-2003 – the secretary general of PTChD,
- 2003-2009 – head of the Gdańsk division of PTChD,
- 2009-2012 – President Elect of PTChD,
- 2012-2014 – President of PTChD;
- 2006-2012 he was head of the international Childhood Liver Tumours Strategy Group (SIOPEL);
- 2009-2015 he was Poland’s representative and member of the board of the Section of Paediatric Surgery of The European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS)
- since 2016, president of that Section.

Marcin Czech (SPC) | Poland | 2017 2018 2020
Marcin Czech, PhD. He is a professor at the Warsaw University of Technology, a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine at the Medical University in Warsaw. He has two medical specialisations: epidemiology and public health. Marcin Czech graduated from the Master of Business Administration (International MBA) programme in the Warsaw University of Technology Business School, Health Economics at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Warsaw, the Production Engineering Faculty of the Warsaw University of Technology in the scope of doctoral studies in management. He took part in foreign internships and training i.a. at the York University, University of Liverpool in Great Britain, McMaster University in Canada. He is a lecturer at the Warsaw University of Technology Business School, cooperates with the Management Faculty of the Warsaw University; for 9 years he was an assistant professor in the Department of Pharmacoeconomics at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Medical University of Warsaw. He has been a Member of the Board of the Polish Pharmacoeconomic Society and in the past was President of that organisation and currently is its President-elect. He actively participates in the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research. He is a founding member and member of the bodies of the Polish Coordinated Care Society. He took part in the creation of HTA guidelines of the AOTMiT. He is the author of over 200 publications on management, health economics, pharmacoeconomics and quality of life for both foreign and Polish magazines. He was recognised with awards of the Rector of the Medical University of Warsaw, including a first-degree individual scientific award, an award of the Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology for his educational programme and the “Best and Brightest” award by PwC. On 1 August 2017, he was appointed to the position of undersecretary of state in the Ministry of Health, responsible for drug policy. In January 2019, he was dismissed from the position of undersecretary of state in the Ministry of Health at his own request. top
Aleksandra Czerw | Poland | 2020
Head of the Department of Health Economics and Medical Law of the Medical University of Warsaw. Head of the Department of Economic and System Analyses of the National Institute of Public Health – National Institute of Hygiene (NIZP-PZH). Member of Scientific Societies and editorial committees in international journals. Author of reviews of scientific publications in domestic and foreign journals. She has received awards and distinctions of the President of the Republic of Poland, the Minister of Education for her activities and has received awards from various organisations operating in the health care system. Scientific interests: health economics, healthcare management, financing in the healthcare system, measuring quality of life in chronic diseases. top
Dávid Dankó | Hungary | 2016 2018
Managing director, Ideas & Solutions (I&S), research leader, Corvinus University of Budapest Dávid Dankó is managing partner of Ideas & Solutions (I&S), an independent research and consultancy firm which provides health policy and market access advisory services to health insurance organizations and pharma and medical device companies with a focus on emerging and middle-income markets. Dávid has 15 years of experience in health care management & the funding of pharmaceuticals and medical devices. Until 2010 he was member of the executive team for pharmaceutical reform in Hungary as Deputy Director of Reimbursement at the national health insurance fund. Previously he also held a position as research leader at the Corvinus University of Budapest. He speaks regularly at conferences and workshops on pharmaceutical and medical device policies, gives payer communication and negotiation trainings to multinational companies and authorities, and participates at international advisory boards. Focuses:- Pricing of targeted onco-hematology medicines
- Pragmatic value assessment and HTA systems for middle-income markets
- Designing managed entry agreements and linking them to value assessment
- Negotiations and communication with payers and other governmental stakeholders
- Alternative funding strategies for middle and low-income countries

Hans-Peter Dauben | Germany | 2020
Dr. Hans-Peter Dauben, born in Moenchengladbach, Germany, is a civil servant at the German Institution for Medical Documentation and Information (DIMDI), Cologne, Germany, an institution within the scope of the Federal Ministry of Health. After finalizing his training as a cardiac surgeon at the University of Duesseldorf, Germany, he moved to DIMDI to establish the German Agency for HTA at DIMDI on behalf of the federal ministry in 2000 and to develop a structure to access HTA information, set priorities in HTA and monitor new technology developments to establish a broad consensus on HTA in Germany. The experiences of information systems developments lead to the nomination of Dr. Dauben as the national representative for information system development at the European medicine agency (EMEA) in London, UK. top
Jaroslav Duba | Czech Republic | 2016 2018
Jaroslav founded OAKS Consulting s.r.o. in 2009, after more then 15 years of experience in top management positions in Wyeth, Zentiva and Glaxo. OAKS Consulting has became in short time the leading consulting company providing full scope of services in Market Access in Czech Republic. The team currently consists of 15 specialists with professional background in medicine, pharmacology, mathematical modeling and health-economy. top
Dominik Dziurda | Poland | 2017 2018 2020 2021
Director of the Healthcare Services Department at the Agency for Health Technology Assessment and and Tariff System (AOTMiT). He graduated from the Faculty of Pharmacy at Jagiellonian University Medical College (CMUJ) in Cracow (2002) and the post-graduate programme: MBA for Medical Personnel at the Kozminski University in Warsaw (2010). Doctoral Student at the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH). His work experience includes teaching at universities on subjects related to pharmaceutical law, pharmacoeconomics and organisation of the healthcare system. He has also worked as reimbursement director in national and central structures in the pharmaceutical industry and as an analyst and specialist in projects regarding access to medical care and quality management. President of the technical unit in the Fair and Affordable Pricing project, implemented within the Visegrad Group, a member of the Executive Committee of the POINTer project dedicated to the system of quality indicators. At the AOTMiT he is responsible for i.a. projects related to transformation of the guaranteed services system, with focus on medical rehabilitation, coordinated care and issues concerning clinical practice guidelines. top
Joanna Didkowska | Poland | 2020
She has been involved with the Department of Epidemiology of the Oncology Centre in Warsaw since the very beginning of her professional work. Currently, she is the head of the Department of Epidemiology and Cancer Prevention, as well as the head of the National Cancer Registry. Since 2016, she has been the Director of the WHO Collaborating Center for Tobacco Control and a member of the National Council for Oncology at the Minister of Health. She represents the Oncology Centre at the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Institute in Warsaw at the Governmental Population Council. Member of the Public Health Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences. She participated in population studies concerning risk factors for cancer incidence (tobacco, alcohol, diet, demographic processes), and monitoring the geographical diversification of the incidence and mortality related to malignant neoplasms in Poland. She was the initiator and co-author of studies analysing the survival rate of Polish patients. She co-authored a yearly bulletin on malignant neoplasms in Poland, as well as a study on epidemiological forecasts. She is a member of the Polish TNM Committee of the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC, previously International Union Against Cancer), the Polish Oncological Society, Polish Oncological Union, as well as the Polish Breast Cancer Research Society. Since 2011, she has been section editor in “NOWOTWORY Journal of Oncology” and, since 2016, a member of the editorial team of “Oncology in clinical practice”. She authored over 60 publications. top
Karen Facey | UK | 2018
Karen has a PhD in Statistics and has worked as a senior statistician in pharmaceutical companies and the MHRA, the UK medicines regulatory agency. In 2000 she was founding Chief Executive of the first national health technology assessment (HTA) Agency in Scotland and since 2003 has been an independent consultant on HTA and patient involvement, working with all stakeholders. She has been a board member of a health board (payer/provider) in Scotland and is a member of the Scottish HTA appraisal committee for non-medicines HTA. She holds a part-time research post at the University of Edinburgh working in the H2020 project, IMPACT HTA, to develop an appraisal framework for medicines for rare diseases. Karen is lead editor on the book about patient involvement in HTA published by Springer in May 2017 and in 2014 she was named in the top 100 practising scientists in the UK. top
Carla Fernández Barceló | Spain | 2019
Carla pełni funkcję technika ds. oceny technologii medycznych w dziale innowacji w Hospital Clínic w Barcelonie. Jest to zaawansowany technologicznie szpital, stanowiący punkt odniesienia dla opieki zdrowotnej, badań i szkoleń medycznych w Hiszpanii. W codziennej pracy zajmuje się różnymi projektami (dotyczącymi technologii, świadczeń), dokonując ocen wyników klinicznych i ekonomicznych, aby udowodnić wartość zarówno technologii medycznych rozwijanych w szpitalu, jak i nowych technologii, które potencjalnie mogą zostać wprowadzone w Szpitalu. Wcześniej Carla Fernandez brała udział w programie podyplomowym d·Health Barcelona (Moebio, Biocat), ukierunkowanego na innowacje w opiece zdrowotnej. Opracowała tam 18-miesięczny projekt obejmujący wszystkie etapy cyklu innowacji w służbie zdrowia (wykrycie problemu, stworzenie rozwiązania, stworzenie prototypu, opracowanie modelu biznesowego i przedstawienie go potencjalnym inwestorom). Kontakt z sektorem innowacji w służbie zdrowia z punktu widzenia start-upu pokazał jej perspektywę, która jest przydatna w pracy w dziale HB-HTA i która uzupełniła wcześniejszą wiedzę na temat innowacji; punkt widzenia “sprzedawcy/start-upu” został uzupełniony perspektywą “kupującego/szpitala”. top
Wolfgang Frisch | Germany | 2016
Wolfgang is a member of the management board of Medtronic Germany GmbH and is responsible for the areas of health economics, market access and health policy. He develops and evaluates strategies for Medtronic therapies and products, the market launch and initiates with the decision makers from medicine, politics and health insurance the establishment of new forms of cooperation for patient care. Due to the wide product spectrum of Medtronic GmbH, Mr. Frisch has experience in the field of inpatient, and ambulatory care. Mr. Frisch has been working in the medical technology industry for over 20 years. He was responsible for business development for Stryker GmbH & Co. KG in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and was responsible for the national key account and corporate account management of Dräger Medical AG. top
Kamila Gaitova | Kazahstan | 2018
Head of HTA department of Republican Center for Health Development of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan. She graduated from the Kazakh National Medical University in Almaty. She has a PhD in Public Health. When she started work at RCHD her main activity were promoting EBM and developing clinical practice guidelines. She is a co-author of several national CPGs and clinical protocols. Since 2016, her responsibility in RCHD has become conducting HTA on national level in order to support decision-making process trough providing an evidence based information for policy-makers in Kazakhstan. She is a Member of HTAi and participated HTAi and INAHTA Annual Meetings in 2017-2018. top
Krzysztof Giannopoulos | Poland | 2020
Professor, Ph.D. Krzysztof Giannopoulos is head of the Department of Experimental Haematooncology at the Medical University of Lublin and head of the Department of Haematology at the St. John of Dukla Oncology Center in Lublin. He was appointed Director of the Doctoral School of the Medical University of Lublin for the 2020-2024 term. Professor Giannopoulos is an expert in clinical and experimental haematology. In his scientific research, he focuses on molecular biology and the characteristics of immune processes in the course of proliferative haematological diseases. The results of the first clinical trials of immunotherapy and treatment with immunomodulating drugs in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, multiple myeloma and acute myeloid leukaemia have been published in prestigious journals such as: Blood, Leukemia, Haematologica, British Journal of Cancer, British Journal of Haematology. He is the author and co-author of recommendations on the treatment of haematological cancer patients and chapters in medical textbooks. His academic achievements have been awarded with numerous prizes, including: Award of the Prime Minister, Award of the Minister of Science and Higher Education, Award of the “POLITYKA” weekly, Award of the International Society of Haematology (IHS), as well as the Bene Meritus Terrae Lubliniensi Award. The h-index of his total scientific achievements amounts to 23. He presented scientific papers at the most important haematological conferences in Poland and abroad. He received scientific grants from the Else-Kröner-Fresenius Foundation, the Minister of Science and Higher Education, the National Science Centre and the Foundation for Polish Science, such as: HARMONIA, OPUS, START, POWROTY, KOLUMB and FOCUS, the latter for the creation of a research team in the field of oncology. He spent a total of 3 years on scientific scholarships financed by DAAD, KAAD and the Foundation for Polish Science at the Department of Internal Medicine III at Ulm University (Germany) headed by Prof. Hartmut Döhner. Professor Krzysztof Giannopoulos is the co-founder and first chairman of the Youth Section of the Polish Society of Haematologists and Transfusiologists, co-founder and the first chairman of the New Generation of Haemathology Association, co-founder and member of the board of the Polish Myeloma Consortium, a representative of the Praesidium of the Polish Myeloma Group, a member of the board of the Polish Lymphoema Research Group and a member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Haematology and Transfusion in Warsaw, the Programme Council for Biomedicine at the Medical University in Warsaw in Lublin, Study of Molecular Medicine at the Medical University of Warsaw and the Social Council for Health Protection of the Lubelskie voivodship. In 2011-2019, he was the editor-in-chief of “Acta Haematologica Polonica”. In 2019, he received the Medal of the Centenary of Regained Independence for his outstanding achievements in the healthcare sector and was ranked among the 100 most influential people in medicine in Poland. top
Jakub Gierczyński | Poland | 2019
Doctor of medicine and MBA graduate of London School of Economics and Stockholm Business School. Expert with 20 years of experience in health economics, public health, disease management, decision analysis, medical audits, risk management (Burton, EBM, HTA and VBHC). Co-funder of the Polish Pharmacoeconomic Society, member of the Polish Society for Public Health, HTAi, ISPOR, the Polish Coalition for Personalised Medicine and IFIC Polska. Co-author of Polish HTA guidelines for drug technologies and member of the team preparing Polish HTA guidelines for medical devices. Author of several dozen of publications, studies and reports.https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jakub_GierczynskiMember of international projects in the field of health policy, disease management and health economics. Expert and lecturer at the Institute of Health Care Management, the Health Care MBA and the Center of VBHC at the Łazarski University, He is also the owner of Doradztwo i ekspertyzy. top
John Gillespie | Australia | 2018
Healthcare Economics, Health Policy & Reimbursement, Medtronic Australasia, Sydney Dr Gillespie received his PhD from the University of Dundee, Scotland and continued his research on protein phosphorylation and metabolic control at the University of Edmonton, Canada. After moving to Sydney, he changed careers - moving into the field of healthcare economics. Dr Gillespie spent several years in consultancy where his main responsibility was conducting health technology assessments (HTA) of new medical technologies and procedures for the Australian Department of Health and Ageing. Since joining Medtronic his responsibilities have included health economics and reimbursement projects for cardiovascular and neurovascular technologies. His main area of responsibility is once again HTA of new medical technologies and procedures. He is particularly interested in how HTA needs to change to remain relevant when medical technologies, healthcare practice and evidence are continuously evolving. top
Maria Giżewska | Poland | 2021
Prof. Maria Giżewska is a graduate of the Pomeranian Medical Academy. She obtained her specialisation in paediatrics in 1993, metabolic paediatrics in 2014. She received her doctoral degree in 1995 and was habilitated in 2009. She was awarded the title of Professor of Medicine in 2019. Prof. Giżewska is a consultant in metabolic paediatrics for the West Pomeranian Voivodeship, Deputy Head of the Department of Paediatrics, Endocrinology, Diabetology, Metabolic Diseases and Cardiology of the Developmental Age, plenipotentiary of the Rector of the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin for international cooperation. Her main scientific interests concern diagnostics and treatment of rare and ultra-rare diseases, including congenital metabolic disorders, especially phenylketonuria, and newborn screening. She is the author and co-author of more than 120 national and international scientific publications with a total IF score of 160 points, Hirsch index 16. Prof. Giżewska implements cross-border Polish-German scientific projects co-financed by the Interreg IVA and VA programmes from the EU funds at the Pomeranian Medical University (PMU) and the Independent Public Clinical Hospital No.1 of the PMU in Szczecin. The cooperation is dedicated to early diagnosis and treatment of newborns with rare diseases, including congenital metabolic disorders, endocrine disorders and recently also congenital immunodeficiency disorders. She is a member of numerous national and international scientific societies (Vice-President of the Scientific Committee of the European Society for Phenylketonuria (ESPKU) and Vice-President of the Polish Society of Phenylketonuria). top
Brian Godman | UK | 2016 2017 2021
Brian works with the World Health Organization, governments, health authorities and health insurance companies across continents including Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East, and South America to enhance prescribing efficiency within scarce resources. This includes potential ways to value and fund new medicines including those for cancer and orphan diseases incorporating suggested models to optimize their use post launch. This has resulted in multiple publications (over 150 listed in Pub Med since 2008) and presentations to address these key issues. top
Wim Goettsch | Netherlands | 2016
Current Director of the European Network for Health Technology Assessment (EUnetHTA) JA3 Directorate. Between 2010 and 2015 he was the Project Leader of WP5 of the EUnetHTA JA1 and JA2 on Relative Effectiveness Assessments. Until the beginning of 2013, he was also the Deputy Secretary of the Medicinal Products Reimbursement Committee at Dutch National Health Care Institute. He has a PhD in immunology and an advanced education in (pharmaco)-epidemiology and pharmaco-economics. He has more than 70 publications in peer-reviewed international journals. top
Alicia Granados Navarrete | Spain | 2016
Since 2011 Head of Global Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Scientific Strategy at Sanofi Genzyme, company based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Researcher and associate professor at the School of Medicine of University of Barcelona until 2007, entrepreneur, international specialist in technology assessment and health care systems, was responsible for the creation and management of the Catalan Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Research (CAHTAR). Director and general manager of the Catalan Institute of Health (ICS) and later Leader of the Health Evidence Network (WHO – European Regional Office). Bioregió (BIOCAT) Ambassador and of the International Society for Health Technology Assessment (HTAi) of which she was founder. She has been president of Forética and has more than 60 scientific and health care policy papers published in international peer review journals. Former President of Autonomous University of Barcelona’ Board of Trustees. Currently Dr Granados is also member of the Advisory Council for the Economic Growth of Catalan Autonomous Government since its creation in 2011 and since 2014 she also serves as President of Scientific Advisory Committee of AquAS (Catalan Agency for Quality and HTA). top
Sylwia Grzesiak-Ambroży | Poland | 2018
Graduated from the Faculty of Health Protection, Collegium Medicum, Jagiellonian University for public health, completed doctoral studies. She started her professional career from the beginning with the Department of Health and Social Policy of the Marshal Office of the Malopolska Region in Cracow, where she started work in 2004. She implemented solutions aimed at popularizing health prevention and shaping the model of health care tailored to Małopolska needs. Initiator of Malopolska Days of Health Prevention. Currently, as Director of the Department, he is involved in the development of a regional health care system that improves the health and quality of life of patients. top
Alan Haycox | UK | 2017
Reader in Health Economics and Director of Liverpool Health Economics and Visiting Professor at Hacettepe University (Ankara) Dr Haycox is a Global Health Economics expert who achieved a four star assessment in the 2015 RAE. He has extensive experience of applying health economics in practice including five years as a member of the Appraisal Committee of the National Institute for Health and Care excellence (NICE) and five years as Regional Health Economist in the North West of England. Widely acknowledged international expert on HTA who has been a keynote speaker on Health Technology Assessment in over 27 countries in the past ten years. Over 140 publications, 3 published books with a fourth currently awaiting publication. Editorial Board Member and referee for over 50 international journals. Co-applicant on research applications valued at over Ł2,000,000 in the last five years and expert reviewer for the NIHR, MRC and a wide range of national and international research funding bodies. Extensive experience in developing and implementing structures of Health Technology Assessment and associated training in a wide range of middle and low income countries. Established expertise in the development of health economic programmes at the undergraduate, postgraduate and executive training levels. Currently leading the UK programme in the establishment of an international postgraduate programme in Health Technology Assessment funded by the Erasmus Mundi Programme in collaboration with five other Universities throughout Europe. Dr Haycox has extensive experience and expertise in health economic evaluations in a broad spectrum of disease groups and interventions. In addition to publishing extensively in peer reviewed journals such as the BMJ and Pharmacoeconomics, Dr Haycox has authored a large number of Health Technology Assessment Monographs. Dr Haycox is a founding director of the Liverpool Technology Assessment Reviews unit which works directly on evaluations to inform decision making by NICE. For the past four years he has been a member of the NICE Technology Appraisal Committee which decides on the introduction of new drugs into the British National Health Service. top
Mikael Hoffmann | Sweden | 2016
CEO of the NEPI foundation initiated by the Swedish Parliament in order to promote pharmacoepidemiology and health economics, co-localized and in close collaboration with the National Centre for Priority Setting in Healthcare. Specialist in clinical pharmacology and in infectious diseases/internal medicine. Chairman of the standing committee for pharmaceutical policies of the Swedish Society of Medicine. Member of the scientific advisory board of the Medical Products Agency in Sweden. Former member of the pharmaceutical benefit board of the Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency, TLV. Former member of the steering group of e-health at Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions. Former director of pharmaceutical strategies, County Council of Östergötland. top
Erica Ison | UK | 2019
Erica pracuje w Oxford Centre for Triple Value Healthcare (3V) w Anglii. Posiada dziesięcioletnie doświadczenie w identyfikacji nieuzasadnionych zmian w celu zwiększenia wartości świadczenia usług zdrowotnych. Była redaktorką w NHS Atlases of Variation in Healthcare od pierwszej edycji pierwsze kompendium Atlas w ramach programu Quality Innovation Improvement & Prevention (QIPP) [pol. poprawa jakości innowacji i jej zapobieganie] pod kierownictwem Ministerstwa Zdrowia Anglii w 2010 roku. Od tego czasu Erica nadzoruje pisanie, edytowanie oraz produkcję trzech zbiorów atlasów i sześciu atlasów specjalistycznych, obejmujących choroby wątroby, leczenie nerek, pacjentów pediatrycznych, usługi diagnostyczne, choroby układu oddechowego oraz cukrzycę. Obecnie Erica pracuje nad dwoma projektami dla Krajowej Służby Zdrowia (NHS) mających na celu zwiększenie wartości opieki zdrowotnej, z których jeden dotyczy opieki paliatywnej, drugi – osób ze schorzeniami układu mięśniowo-szkieletowego. Przez najbliższe 4 lata będzie również pracować nad finansowanym przez Unię Europejską projektem ExACT w imieniu 3V, współpracując z uniwersytetami we Włoszech, w Holandii i Belgii oraz innymi interesariuszami z sektora opieki zdrowotnej. Co więcej, Erica jest liderką, a także koordynatorką/instruktorką prowadzonego przez 3V programu Critical Appraisal Skills (CASP). Erica jest specjalistką w zakresie Health Impact Assessment [ocena wpływu na zdrowie] (HIA) oraz Health in All Policies [zdrowie we wszystkich obszarach polityki] (HiAP). Od 2003 roku pracuje jako ekspertka w zakresie HIA dla Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia (WHO), a od 2008 roku także w zakresie HiAP. W ostatnich latach pracowała nad trzema wielkimi projektami dotyczącymi wpływu budowy i działalności na zdrowie znaczącej w skali kraju infrastruktury dla Public Health England. Erica była również przez dwa lata członkiem zespołu Global Burden of Disease [GBD, globalne obciążenie chorobowością] dla Public Health England (PHE). W 2005 roku Erica zdobyła indywidualną nagrodę w dziedzinie oceny wpływu od International Association for Impact Assessment, a także w tym samym roku została honorowym członkiem English Faculty of Public Health [Angielskiego Wydziału Zdrowia Publicznego]. top
Stanisław Iwańczak | Poland | 2021
Stanisław Iwańczak, MSc, Plenipotentiary of the Director for Patient Safety at the Katowice Oncology Centre. Laboratory diagnostician, Graduate of the Pharmaceutical Department of Medical Analytics in Sosnowiec. In the years 1999-2018, Head of the Diagnostics Laboratory at the Katowice Oncology Centre. In the years 1995-1999, employee of the Pharmaceutical Quality Control Laboratory in Katowice. In the years 2010-2014, Deputy Disciplinary Ombudsman of the National Chamber of Laboratory Diagnosticians. Four years ago I became passionate about Patient Safety. I try to share the full scope of this discipline with others. I am constantly looking for people and institutions genuinely interested in implementing patient safety solutions in Poland and around the world. top
Michał Jakubczyk | Poland | 2019
Professor of the Warsaw School of Economics. He works in the Department of Decision Support and Analysis of the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH). He is also the co-owner of a consulting company called HealthQuest (www.healthquest.pl). He has a background in economics (MSc, PhD and habilitation in the Warsaw School of Economics) and mathematics (bachelor at the University of Warsaw). He spent a year in the Centre for Operations Research and Econometrics in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (Marie Curie scholarship) and one semester in Tippie College of Business, University of Iowa, USA (Fulbright Senior Award). His scientific interests include researching health preferences, especially in the context of imprecise description of these preferences. He has published numerous scientific articles in the field of decision support, health economy and general decision theory (among others, in the Annals of Operations Research, Central European Journal of Operations Research, Health Economics, Pharmacoeconomics, Quality of Life Research, Value in Health (cf.: http://michaljakubczyk.pl)). He is a member of scientific associations such as The EuroQol Group and the International Academy of Health Preference Research (IAHPR). He led the winning team in the global health preference and choice modelling competition organised by IAHPR (http://iahpr.org/eq-dce-competition/). He gives lectures on decision analysis at bachelor, master’s and MBA levels, as well as training cuorses for various institutions (e.g. the National Health Fund, the Ministry of Health, the Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariffs, private companies). He co-directs the MBA programme offered jointly by the Warsaw School of Economics and the Medical University of Warsaw. top
Urszula Jaworska | Poland | 2018
In 1997, she became the first patient in Poland to receive a bone marrow transplant from an unrelated donor. That surgery, groundbreaking in the history of Polish medicine, was performed in the Department of Haematology of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, by Prof. Jerzy Hołowiecki with the team. It was the experience of fighting for her own life that inspired her to create a foundation which, since 1997, has been actively helping patients suffering from cancer, leukaemia, MS, hepatitis C, multiple myeloma, brain cancer; it develops a bone marrow donor bank, organises educational and information initiatives in the media, as well as pro-patient changes in the health care system. For many years, the organisation was also the largest Bone Marrow Donor Bank in Poland in terms of the number of registered people. It is thanks to the personal devotion on the part of Urszula Jaworska and the entire foundation team that the idea of bone marrow donation became so popular in Poland. The foundation's register currently has over 11,000 bone marrow donors. Despite numerous duties, she tries to combine work in the foundation with supporting other organisations, including OFOP and other patient associations. For several years, she has been active under the office of the Commissioner for Patients' Rights as a Member of the Social Council of the Commissioner for Patients' Rights. She was ranked 38th in Puls Medycyny's 2017 list of the 100 most influential people of the Polish health care system. Since February 2018, she has participated in the work of the Health Committee of the Polish Chamber of Commerce. She is a graduate of the National Ballet School in Warsaw and a student of the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw in the Department of Ballet Pedagogy. She is a dancer and a soloist, as well as the manager of many significant ballet ensembles, including: Syrena, Sabat, Mazowsze. In 1994, she was diagnosed with leukaemia. As the first patient in Poland to ever receive a bone marrow transplant from an unrelated donor, she became the Founder of the Urszula Jaworska Foundation. She actively participates in organising activities aimed at broadly understood assistance offered to patients with leukaemia, other cancers and chronic diseases. She attaches great importance to raising social awareness regarding cancer. top
Tadeusz Jędrzejczyk | Poland | 2019
Dyrektor Departamentu Zdrowia Urzędu Marszałkowskiego Województwa Pomorskiego. Absolwent Wydziału Lekarskiego Akademii Medycznej w Gdańsku (obecnie Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny). Specjalista Zdrowia Publicznego. Uzyskał stopień doktora nauk medycznych i pełni stanowisko adiunkta w Zakładzie Zdrowia Publicznego i Medycyny Społecznej. Autor kilkudziesięciu prac z zakresu zdrowia publicznego, w tym w szczególności z zakresu zarządzania i organizacji opieki zdrowotnej, aspektów ekonomicznych i epidemiologii. Radny Miasta Gdańska (1994-1998) i przewodniczący Miejskiej Komisji Rozwiązywania Problemów Alkoholowych (1997-2001). Zastępca Dyrektora ds. lecznictwa Uniwersyteckiego Centrum Klinicznego w Gdańsku (2010-2014) dyrektora Zastępca dyrektora a następnie dyrektor Pomorskiego Oddziału Narodowego Funduszu Zdrowia (2008-2009 i następnie 2013/14); w od czerwca 2014 do marca 2016 roku pełnił funkcje Prezesa Narodowego Funduszu Zdrowia. top
Bradley Johnston | Canada | 2018
Dr. Bradley Johnston (PhD) is the director and co-founder of NutriRECS (www.nutrirecs.com), and is an Associate Professor with the Department of Community Health & Epidemiology, Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada. He also holds adjunct appointments with The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) Research Institute, where he founded the SickKids evidence synthesis unit (SORT - Systematic Overviews through advancing Research Technology), and the Department of Health Research Methods (formally Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics), McMaster University, where he is a tutor in the annual Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Workshop. Dr. Johnston is an Associate Editor with BMC Medical Research Methods. Dr. Johnston’s academic interests include the methodology of patient-reported outcome measures, randomized trials, systematic reviews and public health practice guidelines. His work involves the application of these methods to a wide range of areas, with a particular interest in the education, principles and practice of evidence-based nutrition. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed articles, including first and senior authored articles in JAMA, Annals of Internal Medicine, CMAJ and Pediatrics. top
Mateusz Juchniewicz | Poland | 2021
Professor at the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH), Head of the Project Management Department at SGH. Graduate of Management and Marketing at the Warsaw School of Economics. Director and lecturer of Postgraduate Project Management Studies, other postgraduate and MBA studies. Director and participant of research, consulting (e.g. Building an organisation’s project maturity), implementation (e.g. implementation of methodologies, project management offices, business process improvement) and training projects. He cooperates with both the public sector (e.g. the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Infrastructure, the Supreme Audit Office, other units of the public finance sector) and the private sector (mainly companies from the energy, transport, R&D and construction sectors). He specialises in project management maturity, project risk management and projects in multicultural environments. Author of several dozen publications in the field of management, including the first monograph in Poland devoted to project management maturity of organisations. Certified project manager in project (PRINCE2® and AgilePM®), portfolio (MoP®) and risk (M_o_R®) management. Member of PMI, IPMA and co-founder of the Association of Project Managers – Graduates of Postgraduate Studies in Project Management at the Warsaw School of Economics. top
Grzegorz Juszczyk | Poland | 2018 2019
Doctor of medical science, Director of National Institute of Public Health – National Institute of Hygiene. Since 2003 he is the scientist at Public Health Department at Warsaw Medical University. He co-operated with Medicover and LUX MED Groups, where he was responsible for planning and implementing health-benefited activities at work place. In LUX MED Group he leaded Health Education Office. He represented the Polish employers at the Advisory Committee of European Commission in relation to Health and Safety at work place. top
Alastair Kent | UK | 2016
Alastair Kent came to Genetic Alliance UK over 20 years ago because he was excited by the challenge that new knowledge in genetics created - the idea that, for people affected by a genetic condition, yesterday’s science fiction is tomorrow’s clinical service improvement. Trying to transform these possibilities into positive outcomes whilst reducing the potential for abuse is an incredible challenge, and he feel incredibly privileged to work in this field. The fact that Genetic Alliance UK is now a respected and authoritative voice for patients and families is something about which he feel pride, and also a huge sense of responsibility. top
Paulina Kieszkowska-Knapik | Poland | 2017
Advises companies and industry organisations on healthcare law, especially the Pharmaceutical Law, the Reimbursement Act and the Act on Medical Activity. Paulina is also a co-founder of the Lege Pharmaciae Foundation, a non-governmental organisation formed to analyse and hold a public debate on defects in legal regulations in the healthcare sector. Paulina Kieszkowska-Knapik works with the Civic Legislation Forum at the Stefan Batory Foundation on the introduction of European lawmaking standards in Poland. Recommended for many years by Polish (Rzeczpospolita and Dziennik Gazeta Prawna) and international (Chambers Europe, PLC Which Lawyer) rankings as the best specialist in pharmaceutical law in Poland. She advises patient organisations pro bono, including the Polish Coalition of Cancer Patient Organisations, the Alivia Foundation and the Federation of Polish Patients. Paulina worked at Baker & McKenzie law firm for a decade, having previously worked at CMS Cameron McKenna. top
Miroslav Klugar | Czech Republic | 2017
Director of the Czech Republic (Middle European) Centre for Evidence-Based Healthcare: A Joanna Briggs institute Centre of Excellence and Assistant Professor at Department of Social Medicine and Public Health, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic. He is also adjunct Associate Professor of Translational Health Sciences, at Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Adelaide, Australia and Co-Chair of European Joanna Briggs Collaboration. Miloslav is focused on the development, implementation, advocacy and teaching of Evidence-Based Healthcare, especially on the evidence synthesis. He is member of international method group of Joanna Briggs Institute, who developed methodology of systematic reviews of diagnostic test accuracy. As a member of JBI GRADE center, is Miloslav focused on the implementation and improvement of GRADE methods within systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines, and as a member of ASPHER v4 Public Health group he is focused on the strengthening of Public Health competencies in V4 Public Health workforce through the Evidence-Based approaches and international collaboration. top
Katarzyna Kolasa | Poland | 2016
Starszy dyrektor ds. Health Economics and Outcomes Research w GE Healthcare. Posiada 16 lat doświadczeń w sektorze zdrowia. Pracowała dla AstraZeneca i BiogenIdec w obszarze HEOR na poziomie globalnym i regionalnym. W Bristol Myers Squibb oraz Lundbeck przewodziła zespołami Market Access odpowiedzialnymi za region CEE i Europy Północnej. Pracowała w Szwecji, Szwajcarii i Finlandii. Posiada tytuł doktora ekonomiki zdrowia i jest autorem licznych publikacji z zakresu oceny technologii medycznych oraz farmakoekonomiki. Recenzuje artykuły dla Health Policy, Value in Health, Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research oraz International Journal for Equity in Health. Rozległą wiedzę z zakresu ekonomiki zdrowia zdobywała na Uniwersytecie w York, Uniwersytecie w Lund oraz Uniewersytecie w Bergen oraz w ramach Międzynarodowych Studiów Doktoranckich z zakresi Ekonomiki Zdrowia i Polityki Zdrowotnej organizowanych przez Szwajcarską Szkołę Zdrowia Publicznego. Prowadzi szkolenia z zakresu HTA, wykłada MBA w ochronie zdrowia na Uczelni Łazarskiego, prowadzi kursy HTA w Szkole Biznesu Politechniki Warszawskiej i jest adiunktem Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu im. Mikołaja Kopernika w Bydgoszczy. Oprócz funkcji wykładowcy uniwersyteckiego, prowadziła studia z zakresu równości w dostępie do świadczeń, prowadzonych jako część projektu InterQuality organizowanego przez Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny i finansowanego ze środków europejskich 7. Programu Ramowego. Pracuje dla Banku Światowego przy projektach dotyczących zarządzania szpitalami. Umiejętności w zakresie ekonomiki zdrowia i znajomość potrzeb płatnika zdobywała pracując przez 6 lat w Szwecji dla Rady Regionu Kalmar, gdzie była odpowiedzialna za liczne programy badawcze w zdrowiu publicznym. top
Roman Jacek Kolek | Poland | 2020
Polish local government official, physician and activist of the German minority in Poland since 2010, Deputy Marshal of the Opolskie Voivodeship. In the years 1999-2002, he was the director of the Department of Health and Social Policy of the Marshal’s Office of the Opolskie Voivodeship. In 2002, he was transferred to the position of Deputy Director for Medical Matters of the Regional Health Fund in Opole, and then took up a similar position in the Opole branch of the National Health Fund. He was also active in his community, participating in consultations regarding changes in the state health policy and the antibiotic therapy rationalisation programme. He was politically involved in the activity of the German minority in Poland within the Social and Cultural Association of Germans of Opole Silesia. In 2002, 2014 and 2018, he was elected councillor for the Opole Regional Council for the second, fifth and sixth term of office. In the Regional Council, he was the head of the councillor club of the German Minority. In 2015, he unsuccessfully ran for the Sejm from the second place on the German Minority list (winning 3,395 votes), and for the Senate in 2019, reaching the third place in his district. In 2010, he took the office of Deputy Marshal of the Opolskie Voivodeship; he remained in office after the 2014 and 2018 elections. In 2017, together with other German Minority members, he co-founded the “Regionalna. Mniejszość z Większością” (Regional. Minority with the Majority) party; in 2018 he became its deputy chairman. He taught classes at physician courses, as well as classes at the Pharmacoeconomics, Marketing and Pharmaceutical Law College at the Warsaw University of Technology. Roman Jacek Kolek has published scientific papers in the field of public health and health care finance, cost analyses of expenditure on health services provided to the insured, as well as lectures for physicians as part of training sessions and courses in public health and health insurance. He co-organised numerous conferences in the field of health policy and financing of health services, including the British-Polish Healthcare Forum, Polish-Ukrainian Healthcare Forum and the Polish-German Health Forum. He authored and co-authored numerous publications in the field of public health and financing of health services. He is a member of a working group at the Polish Employer’s Association for the development of directions of changes in the state health policy under the “Academy of Health 2013” initiative. top
Mariusz Kordecki | Poland | 2020
Expert and practitioner in the field of medical projects, CRO, EBM and HTA. He has many years of experience in the pharmaceutical sector and public institutions. Mariusz is the CEO at HTA Registry. He is the co-author of scientific publications, external lecturer at the Medical Collage of the Jagiellonian University (CMUJ), clinical expert for TUV NORD and an active trainer. He graduated from the Institute of Public Health at the CMUJ in Cracow. top
Anna Kordecka | Poland | 2016 2017 2018
Expert in health technology assessment and health economics. For ten years she has been specialising in quality assessment (audits) of analyses included in HTA reports. Author and co-author of systemic studies in healthcare and scoping aiming at determining the directions and scope of analyses required for reimbursement and pricing purposes. Partner in HTA Audit and HTA Registry. Active instructor in the fields of EBM, HTA and Pricing in public institutions and the pharmaceutical industry. top
Dorota Korycińska | Poland | 2020
Dorota Korycińska is a social psychologist. She has been actively helping patients and families struggling with rare diseases, as well as patients with disabilities for 20 years. She is the co-founder and, since 2009, the President of the Management Board of the Neurofibromatosis Association Poland (formerly the Association of Patients with Von Recklinghausen’s Disease and Other Phakomatoses). For years, she has ceaselessly worked to provide systemic healthcare to patients with neurofibromatosis. She is the President of the Management Board of the Polish National Oncological Federation. top
Anna Kostera-Pruszczyk | Poland | 2021
Professor Anna Kostera-Pruszczyk, MD, PhD, is a specialist in the field of neurology and child neurology, the Head of the Department of Neurology at the Medical University of Warsaw, which is a part of the European Reference Network on Rare Neuromuscular Diseases (ERN-NMD). She was awarded the title of professor of medicine in 2016. Professor Anna Kostera-Pruszczyk MD, PhD, specialises in the field of neuromuscular diseases. In terms of scientific interests and clinical work, her particular focus is on acquired and hereditary peripheral nervous system diseases, including spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). She acts as Vice-Chair of the Main Board of the Polish Society of Child Neurologists. Moreover, she is a member of the Expert Panel of the European Academy of Neurology for Neuromuscular diseases and a member of the Central Board of the Polish Neurological Society and numerous other scientific societies, both domestic and foreign. She is the author and co-author of publications with a cumulative Impact Factor of over 360. top
Katarzyna Kotulska-Jóźwiak | Poland | 2020 2021
Professor of neurology and paediatric neurology, Head of the Neurology and Epileptology Clinic at the Children’s Memorial Health Institute, Vice-Chairman of the Scientific Council at the Children’s Memorial Health Institute (CMHI) in Warsaw which is Poland’s reference paediatric hospital. Polish representative to the Board of EU Member States for European Reference Networks, vice-chair of the team on rare diseases, Head of the team coordinating the programme for treatment of spinal muscular atrophy. Member of the MAB BrainCity Scientific Committee. Graduate of the Medical University of Silesia, she conducts research in the field of developmental neurology, especially in the field of epileptogenesis and skin and nerve diseases. In the past, Katarzyna Kotulska-Jóźwiak was head and executor of several national and international grants. Author of over 150 peer-reviewed articles published in scientific journals. top
Oskar Kowalski | Poland | 2020
Dr hab. n. med. Oskar Kowalski, professor and graduate of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice. He currently works as a professor of the Medical University of Silesia in the Department of Human Nutrition at the Faculty of Health Sciences in Bytom. Furthermore, he has been Head of the Laboratory of Electrophysiology and Electrostimulation at the Silesian Centre for Heart Diseases in Zabrze since 2003. Prof. dr hab. n. med. Oskar Kowalski, Professor of the Medical University of Silesia, is an active member of the European Society of Cardiology. He is the Treasurer of the Executive Board of the Polish Society of Cardiology. Prof. dr hab. n. med. Oskar Kowalski, Professor of the Medical University of Silesia, is a Consultant at the Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariff System. He actively participates in research projects. He has won numerous Rector's awards in the field of scientific activity. Since 01/09/2020, he has been the Vice-Rector for Postgraduate Education at the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice. top
Maciej Krawczyk | Poland | 2020 2021
Prezes Krajowej Rady Fizjoterapeutów. Dr hab. n. med., dr n. o k.f. w dziedzinie rehabilitacji, specjalista fizjoterapii. Absolwent Wydziału Rehabilitacji Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego Józefa Piłsudskiego i od 30 lat nauczyciel akademicki w tejże uczelni. Pracownik II Kliniki Neurologii IPiN z pierwszym w Polsce oddziałem udarowym. Pracownik naukowy i członek Rady Naukowej w Instytucie Psychiatrii i Neurologii. Współautor ustawy o zawodzie fizjoterapeuty. Specjalizuje się w fizjoterapii chorych po uszkodzeniu ośrodkowego układu nerwowego. Prezes KRF od 28 grudnia 2016 roku. Koordynuje prace Krajowej Rady Fizjoterapeutów, realizującej zadania wyznaczone przez I Krajowy Zjazd Fizjoterapeutów, sprawuje nadzór nad pracą Biura Krajowej Izby Fizjoterapeutów, reprezentuje Krajową Izbę Fizjoterapeutów wobec podmiotów zewnętrznych (m.in. instytucji państwowych). Zainteresowania zawodowe: neurologia odtwórcza, antropologia, kinezjologia. Hobby: kolarstwo szosowe, narciarstwo zjazdowe, literatura piękna, gotowanie. top
Zbigniew J. Król | Poland | 2017 2018
Former Deputy director of the Agency for Medical Technology Assessment and an adjunct professor at the Institute of Public Health of the Jagiellonian University. From 2009 to 2011 he was on the board of Pfizer Polska sp. Z oo. Then he was the director of the Drawski Specialist Center (2012-2013) and the Specialist Hospital. S. Żeromski SPZOZ in Cracow (2013-2016). Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Health. He is an honorary member of the College of Family Physicians in Poland. In his account he has, among others. Delegation of the Baltic Sea Task Force (later Northern Diamension) Experts Group for Primary Health Care and EQUIP - European quality workshop group. He was also an expert on the World Health Organization and the World Health Organization, as well as the project manager for the Data for Decision Makers project (Harvard-Jagiellonian Consortium for Health). top
Dušan Krstić | Czech Republic | 2018
Regional Sales Manager at EBSCO Information Services, a graduate of the University of Kragujevac (Serbia) with post graduate studies in Microbiology and Molecular Oncology at Masaryk University (Czech Republic). Since 2008, he was working is the medical field, specializing in technologies for Dermatology, Rehabilitation and Oncology. From 2017, he is managing Medical and Corporate market in Central and North-east Europe and CIS Countries, in EBSCO Information Services – world’s leading aggregator of medical and scientific literature. His primary aim is to provide access to evidence based medical information and primary medical, scientific and business literature to healthcare development organizations, healthcare professionals and companies operating in any field of healthcare for improvement of healthcare services, medical technologies and medical products development, assessment and vigilance. top
Anna Kupiecka | Poland | 2018
Prezes Fundacji Onkocafe – Razem Lepiej. W 2010 roku wykryto u niej nowotwór piersi. Obecnie zaangażowana jest w szerzenie idei wsparcia międzypacjenckiego oraz poprawy jakości leczenia i życia pacjentów onkologicznych. Fundator, załozycielka i Prezes Fundacji OnkoCafe – Razem Lepiej, która stawia sobie za cel pomoc pacjentom oraz ich rodzinom w oswajaniu lęku, zwłaszcza na początku choroby (tuż po diagnozie), a także w trakcie terapii i po zakończonym leczeniu onkologicznym. Autorka poradników dla pacjentów i ich bliskich. Prowadzi audycję “o raku przy kawie” w Radiu RPLFM. top
Brygida Kwiatkowka (SPC) | Poland | 2018 2020 2021
Rheumathologist, Deputy Director for Clinical Affairs at the National Institute of Geriatrics, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation in Warsaw, Chairperson of the National Council of Rheumathology, Secretary of the Warsaw unit of the Polish Rheumatology Association. Dr. Kwiatkowska’s academic interests include the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatic diseases. She conducts multi-directional work thus contributing to other medical disciplines related to rheumatic diseases. She promotes the use of modern diagnostic techniques in diagnosing rheumatic diseases and introduces the latest available therapeutic methods. Her academic achievements comprise 46 publications: 12 original full-text scientific papers, 26 review articles, 4 case reports, 11 textbook chapters, including 2 chapters to an international textbook (published in English), 2 editorial commentaries. She is the first author of the majority of the papers, playing the leading role in the creation of the concept, development of the results and preparation for print. In addition, she has published 15 congress reports in supplements for Polish and foreign scientific journals. top
Line Helen Linstad | Norway | 2020
Line Helen Linstad, has worked at the Norwegian Centre for E-Health Research since 2002. She obtained a master in Political Science from the University of Oslo in 1994. She has also taken a part of a master programme in Management at the Norwegian Business School (BI), project management courses at BI Tromsø and internal management courses at the University Hospital of Northern Noway (UNN). She has experience in management and project management. She is a member of the HIMSS Europe Governing Council for the period 2015-2017. She has served on the EHTEL Board of Directors for two terms from 2011 - 2015. She is also advisor to the Barcelona Mobile World mHealth Centre. She has recently started phd in e-health. She previously worked as a health planner for the Regional Health and Social Care Board in the Northern Norway Regional Health Authority and as researcher in the Norwegian Federation of Organizations of Disabled People (FFO). top
Maria Libura | Poland | 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Head of Medical Training and Simulation Centre, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, vice-President of The Polish Society for Medical Communication, healthcare expert of the Jagiellonian Club Analytical Centre, President of Polish Prader–Willi Syndrome Association. top
Krzysztof Łanda | Poland | 2017 2021
President of MedInvest Scanner. Krzysztof was Deputy Minister of Health in 2015-2017 and was responsible for drug policy, reimbursement and prices of medical devices, mapping of health needs, investments in health care, prices of health services and the basic benefits package. Krzysztof was previously the CEO of HTA Audit, a company dealing with the quality assessment of HTA reports addressed to authorities and public institutions and the President of the Watch Health Care Foundation. In 2010-2011 he was President of the Central & Eastern European Society of Technology Assessment in Health Care. In 2006-2007 was a Director of the Drug Policy Department in the Central Office of the National Health Fund. In 2004 Krzysztof was elected to the Board of Directors of Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi) where he remained until mid-2007. In 2010-2012 and in 2006-2008 Krzysztof led capacity building in HTA in Ukraine and in Serbia. He was a team leader of a World Bank project aimed at introducing EBHC principles in Serbia. top
Adam Maciejczyk | Poland | 2020
Oncologist, specialist in oncological radiotherapy and director of the Lower Silesian Oncology Centre, head of the Radiotherapy Clinical of the Wrocław Medical University, president of the Polish Oncological Society and president of the National Association of Public Centres and Oncological Institutes. He specialises in childhood cancer treatment. He is a member of the Main Board of the Polish Society of Oncological Radiotherapy (PTRO), as well as the coordinator of the Paediatric Radiotherapy Section in the Polish Paediatric Group for Solid Tumours. Doctor Maciejczyk is also a member of the Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO) and the Paediatric Radiation Oncology Society (PROS). He is a member of the National Council for Oncology on behalf of the Polish Oncological Society, the Scientific Council of the Oncology Centre at the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Institute in Warsaw and the Transparency Council of the Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariffs. In 2019, he was appointed by the Minister of Health to participate in the work of the National Oncological Strategy Development Team. He is also an academic teacher. In 2019, he co-authored many papers and summaries, including, among others, publications like “The effect of YAP expression in tumor cells and tumor stroma on the prognosis of patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity floor and oral surface of the tongue” or „The effect of the population-based cervical cancer screening program on 5-year survival in cervical cancer patients in Lower Silesia”. top
Maciej Małecki | Poland | 2018
He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the Nicolaus Copernicus Medical Academy in Cracow in 1988. Specialist in internal medicine, diabetology, laboratory diagnostics and endocrinology. In 1998, he defended his PhD thesis entitled "Searching for genes predisposing to type 2 diabetes in chromosome 20q" with honours at the Jagiellonian University Medical College. The thesis was awarded the Aurelia Baczko Award from the Polish Foundation for the Promotion of Science of the Society for Supporting Sciences for the best doctoral dissertation in the field of non-surgical clinical medicine. In 2004, he received a postdoctoral degree after submitting his dissertation entitled "Molecular basis of type 2 diabetes – selected pathogenetic and clinical issues". In 2009, he received the Professor title. Between 1993 and 2000, he worked as an assistant at the Department of Metabolic Diseases of the Jagiellonian University Medical College; in 2000, he became an adjunct there; in 2008 he became the dean of the department – as an associate professor since 2009 and, since 2013, as a professor of the Jagiellonian University. Between the years 1996 and 1999 he was a scholar at the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston, affiliated with the Harvard Medical School. His scientific interests include the genetic background of monogenic and type 2 diabetes, as well as clinical research in diabetes, especially related to pregnancy. He is the author and co-author of around 180 scientific articles, including 150 original works; his works have been quoted over 3000 times until the year 2017 (IF of about 600, 26 in the Hirsch index). He has been a member of the General Board of the Polish Diabetes Association (since 2007) and the President of the Association since 2015. He was a board member of the European Society of Clinical Investigation. He is a member of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, and an EASD expert on etiological diabetes. He participates in the works of the EASD Study Group on the Genetics of Diabetes. In 2001, he received an award from the Polish Diabetes Association for his achievements in the field of diabetology, and in 2005, he was invited to give a lecture under the auspices of Jakub Węgierko during the Polish Diabetes Association Conference. For his outstanding scientifical achievements, he was recognised with an award of the Prime Minister (2006) and also received a team award from the Minister of Health (2009). In 2013, he received a Browicz Award from the Polish Academy of Learning, and in 2014 he received a Jagiellonian Laurel and a Śniadecki Award from the Polish Academy of Sciences. He has been a member of the Polish Academy of Learning since 2017. He is a reviewer in Endocrine Review, Diabetes, Diabetes Care, Diabetologia, Diabetic Medicine and several Polish journals and also an editor in the European Journal of Clinical Investigation and Diabetologia Praktyczna. He is an EU expert in the evaluation of scientific projects within the FP6, FP7 and Ideas programmes. He has published articles in world-leading scientific journals, including Nature Genetics, Nature Clinical Practice Neurology, New England Journal of Medicine, Diabetes, Diabetologia, Diabetes Care, Stroke, Neurology and others. Between the years 2008 and 2012, he was a deputy dean for organisation and curriculum at the Faculty of Medicine of the Jagiellonian University Medical College; between 2012 and 2016 he was the Jagiellonian University dean's proxy for research and development at the Jagiellonian University Medical College. Since 2016, he has been the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the Jagiellonian University Medical College. top
Ileana Mardare | Romania | 2016
Currently, Senior Healthcare Consultant, both in public & private health related projects. Since 2015, Dr. Mardare is dedicated to medical education and personal development of the young professionals, as assistant professor in Public Health and Management Department, University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Carol Davila” Bucharest, Romania. Physician with both medical and Health Outcomes Research background, with a vast experience on healthcare and health system management. Along the 25 + years of activity, she had the opportunity to work and learn in various positions, at different levels - medical practitioner (Infectious Diseases Specialist), hospital manager, Medical Director of a County Health Insurance House, senior counsellor - Ministry of Health, Public policies Department and also in Pharma Industry - from Medical Representative to Senior Health Outcomes Manager/ Public Health Manager. As a result, she has a deep understanding of the Romanian Healthcare System in dynamics, from different perspectives, from big picture to tiny details that can make the difference. top
Piotr Merks | Poland | 2018
Piotr Merks, PhD (Pharmacy), is the chairman of Piktorex Sp. z o.o. and has over 16 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. He is an expert on the implementation of the Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD), innovative projects and designing new pharmaceutical services, a lecturer at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz, and a winner of many pharmaceutical awards in Poland and abroad. He has international experience in various sectors: research facilities, governmental and non-governmental bodies, commercial companies, hospitals, pharmacies. He has worked in the pharmaceutical industry in the UK for over 10 years. His career path has also led him to Australia, Canada and Finland, where he had the chance to learn about other pharmaceutical markets in practice. He belongs to many branch organisations, such as the British Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS), the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), the European Association of Employed community Pharmacists in Europe (EPHEU), the British Pharmacists’ Defence Association (PDA). He is a member of the District Council of the Pharmaceutical Chamber of Warsaw and the Polish Pharmaceutical Chamber (the Department of Foreign Cooperation). He actively works to improve public health and the safety of medicines and to eliminate falsified medicines from retail trade. He is the inventor and the coordinator of the pharmaceutical tool Lekolepki. He is the author of various projects and publications, and a participant of international conferences. top
Piotr Miazga | Poland | 2018
Dyrektor ds. Rozwoju Biznesu oraz Konsultant ds. refundacji w firmie HTA Consulting. Specjalizuje się w obszarze sposobów finansowania technologii medycznych, a także w tematyce samorządowych programów zdrowotnych. Odpowiada za rozwój współpracy instytucjonalnej w Polsce i krajach CEE. Absolwent Akademii Świętokrzyskiej w Kielcach oraz Akademii Ekonomicznej w Krakowie. top
Maciej Niewada | Poland | 2020
Clinical pharmacologist, neurologist; assistant professor at the Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology at the Medical University of Warsaw. He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the Medical University of Warsaw in 1997. He concurrently studied at the Warsaw School of Economics, where he obtained a master’s degree in Economics in 2000. Since 1997, he has been working at the Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology at the Medical University of Warsaw, where he obtained a specialisation in clinical pharmacology. He is a lecturer at the Business School of the Warsaw University of Technology and a specialist at the Therapy and Drug Science Committee of the 5th Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences. In the years 2000-2006, he was an assistant at the 2nd Neurological Clinic of the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology. In 2004, he received a PhD in Medical Sciences (his doctoral dissertation concerned the costs of stroke from the social perspective), and in 2013, he was habilitated (based on his work regarding the Hospital Register of Strokes in Poland). Since 2009, he has been the CEO of HealthQuest – a consulting company operating in health technology assessment and reimbursement. He co-authored the health technology assessment guidelines adopted by the Agency for Health Technology Assessment, and also co-authored health technology assessment reports, costs analyses, epidemiological studies and studies concerning quality of life and utility. Maciej Niewada is also one of the founders of the Polish Pharmacoeconomics Society (ISPOR Poland Chapter), where he is currently the President. Furthermore, he cooperates with the Ministry of Health, the National Health Fund and medical scientific societies. His research interests include health technology assessment, pharmacoepidemiology and prevention of cerebrovascular diseases. top
Rafał Niżankowski | Poland | 2016
Professor Rafał Niżankowski, MD, PhD is a member of the European Working Group on Medical Angiology IUA. He is initiator of the angiology medical specialisation in Poland, co-founder of the Polish Angiology Society, creator and head of the Angiology Clinic of the Jagiellonian University. He is regional consultant on In the field of angiology and President Elect of the Polish Angiology Society. top
Tanja Novakovic | Serbia | 2016 2021
Tanja Novakovic MSc Pharm is director of ZEM Solutions Ltd and the president of the Pharmacoeconomics Section within the Pharmaceutical Association of Serbia. After finished postgraduate studies in Health Economics at Ghent University in Belgium she has made significant contributions to developing knowledge and experience in heath economics and HTA, organizing many international Conferences and bringing together world experts in this field. She is author of the “Handbook for pharmacoeconomic evaluations” (2006), the first publication in the field of pharmacoeconomics in the Serbian language, Serbian pharmacoeconomic guidelines (2011) and co-author of the book Health Economics (2014). Tanja participated in several projects in a wide range of fields, including: Big Data, disease areas such as oncology, rare diseases, nutrition, Rheumatology, biosimilars and has previously been involved in World Bank and Ministry of Health of Serbia projects. Tanja has organized and presented in many national meetings and international conferences which have resulted in international cooperation in education and the developing of pharmacoeconomics and HTA in Serbia. top
James O’Brien | Australia | 2020
A Chair, Director, Advisory Council Member and CEO in International Prader-Willi Syndrome Organisation (IPWSO) with over twenty years of board level experience across the public, commercial & not for profit sectors with particular experience in the construction, education and disability services industries. The president of the Prader-Willi Syndrome (Australia) where he has recently steered the amalgamation of State PWS Associations to a unified PWS Australia. Vice Chair of the International Prader-Willi Syndrome Organisation, enabling both Australian and global initiatives and research that have improved the lives of those living with PWS world wide; and Council Member of Global Genes RARE Global Advocacy Leadership Council, championing the needs and explored ways to establish and foster person and family support organisations in every syndrome in every country. Founding Director and CEO of PWS Better Living Foundation Ltd where he is exploring local housing development opportunities for individuals and families living with PWS. He is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors' Company Directors Course, he hold a Commercial Real Estate License and a Graduate Diploma of Applied Finance. top
Wija Oortwijn | Netherlands | 2018
Wija Oortwijn jest stowarzyszona z Wydziałem ds. Dowodów Medycznych na Radboud University Medical Center Nijmegen (Holandia). Studiowała nauki medyczne i posiada tytuł naukowy doktora medycyny (Wyznaczanie priorytetów w ocenie technologii medycznych). Posiada ponad 25-letnie doświadczenie zawodowe w HTA i analizowaniu polityki zdrowotnej. Prowadziła badania dotyczące mapowania poziomu ocen technologii medycznych w krajach na całym świecie oraz była zaangażowana w projekt badawczy INTEGRATE-HTA (www.integrate-hta.eu), mający na celu opracowanie koncepcji i metod umożliwiających zorientowaną na pacjentów, zintegrowaną ocenę skuteczności oraz ekonomicznych, społecznych, kulturowych i etycznych aspektów złożonych technologii, które uwzględniają ich kontekst i wdrażanie. Niedawno zakończyła pracę nad projektem związanym z HTA i podejmowaniem decyzji w 10 krajach z całego świata (publikacja w Value in Health) oraz projektem opisujących stopień dostosowania HTA do wartości i zasad leżących u podstaw systemu opieki zdrowotnej w wybranych krajach. Obecnie opracowuje praktyczny przewodnik dla organizacji zajmujących się oceną technologii medycznych dotyczący wdrażania “dyskusji opartych na dowodach naukowych” (EDPs). EDPs określają wytyczne dla organizacji zajmujących się HTA w celu usprawnienia procesów decyzyjnych. EDPs oparte są na racjonalnym procesie podejmowania decyzji poprzez opartą na dowodach ocenę zidentyfikowanych wartości (odzwierciedloną w wielokryterialnych analizach decyzyjnych – MCDA), a także sprawiedliwe podejmowanie decyzji (wyrażone w podejściu „accountability for reasonableness”– A4R). Jest jednym z założycieli holenderskiego NVTAG oraz International Society for HTA (HTAi), była członkiem zarządu obu towarzystw oraz współprzewodniczącą HTAi/INAHTA Interest Group on Ethics w latach 2011-2017. Obecnie jest członkiem HTAi Scientific Development and Capacity Building Advisory Committee, współprzewodniczącą International Working Group, która zajmuje się aktualizowaniem definicji HTA, jest również współredaktorem w International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care. Ponadto jest sekretarzem naukowym w HTAi’s Global Policy Forum: w latach 2016-2017 (w zakresie ram wartości); w latach 2017-2018 (w zakresie horizon scanning) oraz w latach 2018-2019 (w zakresie dowodów rzeczywistych). top
Chris L. Pashos | USA | 2021
Dr Pashos jest członkiem zarządu, Dyrektorem ds. medycznych i Szefem ds. partnerstw naukowych w Genesis Research, międzynarodowej firmie konsultingowej wspierającej przemysł nauk przyrodniczych. Genesis Research jest znana ze swojego unikalnego modelu partnerstwa, dzięki któremu dostarcza oparte na dowodach, zaawansowane technologicznie i opracowane na podstawie przyjętych naukowo zasad rozwiązania we wszystkich aspektach demonstracji wartości. Oprócz pracy w konsultingu, kariera dr Pashosa obejmowała również pracę w środowisku akademickim (Harvard Medical School) oraz w spółkach z branży life sciences (Takeda i AbbVie). Doktor Pashos jest statutowym członkiem ISPOR (międzynarodowego towarzystwa farmakoekonomicznego), a w latach 2008-2009 pełnił funkcję prezesa ISPOR. top
Elena Petelos | Netherlands / Greece | 2021
Elena Petelos is a Senior Research Fellow in Public Health and a Lecturer in Evidence-Based Medicine and Evidence-Informed Policy at the University of Crete (Greece) and at Maastricht University (The Netherlands). She also teaches at Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Germany) and is Adjunct Faculty at the newly founded University of West Attica (Greece). She has a background in medicine and biology, specialising in molecular oncology, and re-training mid-career in health economics and policy, continuing with a Fellowship in Governance and Economics of Development Technology and Innovation at the United Nations University - Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology. She currently also serves as the Vice President of the Health Technology Assessment section, a Member of the Steering Committee of the Law and Public Health Section, a Member of the Infectious Disease Control section, and the Chair of the Gender Equality Working Group (SDG5 WG) at the European Public Health Association. She is the Co-Chair for Real-World Evidence and Artificial Intelligence at HTAi, a Member of the Healthcare Professional’s Working Party of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and a Member of the Advisory Forum of the Health Emergency Preparedness and Response (HERA) of the European Commission. She is a Member of the Advisory Board of the European Forum for Primary Care leading the Vaccines WG and representing it in the European Network of Centres for Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance (ENCePP). She also serves in ENCEPP’s WG2 on Transparency and Independent Research. Her research, policy and advocacy work focuses on international collaboration, including regulatory frameworks and legislative frameworks, to improve global health and towards achieving digital equity and reaching UHC, with special emphasis on real-world evidence, benefit/risk communication, new technologies, and artificial intelligence. She is also a member of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law (KNVIR) and of the International Law Association (ILA). top
Ozren Pezo | Croatia | 2021
Obecnie zajmowane stanowiska: Niezależny ekspert ds. biznesu i technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych (ICT), konsultant Banku Światowego i Komisji Europejskiej, członek Rady Nadzorczej “HL7 organization Croatia”. Ozren Pezo ukończył studia na kierunku Informatyka i uzyskał dyplom z Zarządzania na Uniwersytecie w Zagrzebiu oraz tytuł magistra informatyki na Politechnice w Mediolanie. Pan Pezo pracował jako dyrektor ds. informatyki w Chorwackim Funduszu Ubezpieczeń Zdrowotnych (CHIF) w latach 2014-2017. Zajmowane stanowiska i pełnione obowiązki w tamtych latach: Przewodniczący Rady Zarządzającej Chorwackiego Instytutu Telemedycyny, członek Narodowego Komitetu ds. Strategii IT w Ochronie Zdrowia, krajowy współpracownik w European Cloud in Health Advisory Council. Pan Pezo był odpowiedzialny za planowanie strategiczne, rozwój i doskonałość operacyjną IT w CHIF i chorwackich projektach narodowych e-Zdrowia. (e-recepta, e-skierowanie, e-Booking, e-Schedule Line Findings, portal BI, narzędzie do wykrywania oszustw, portal e-Citizen health, system EHR (elektroniczny rejestr zdrowia), itp.) Wcześniej pracował na różnych stanowiskach kierowniczych w kilku przedsiębiorstwach z branży ICT w regionie Europy Południowo-Wschodniej, w tym przez 9 lat w Microsoft. Przez ostatnie 4 lata pracował jako międzynarodowy ekspert w zakresie ICT i ekspert biznesowy oraz konsultant Banku Światowego, Komisji Europejskiej przy różnych projektach reformy służby zdrowia w Azji, Afryce i Europie. Jego kompetencje dotyczą narodowej strategii e-Zdrowia oraz rozwoju i wdrażania systemów e-Zdrowia, optymalizacji procesów ubezpieczeń zdrowotnych, systemów informacji o ubezpieczeniach zdrowotnych, wykrywania i zapobiegania oszustwom w systemie opieki zdrowotnej. Prelegent, prezenter i panelista na ponad 15 krajowych, regionalnych i międzynarodowych konferencjach z zakresu IT/ zdrowia. top
Maria Piętak-Frączek | Poland | 2020
She has been working at the Cracow City Hall for 20 years, since 1999. She graduated from the Nursing Institute at the Faculty of Healthcare of the Jagiellonian University Medical College. In 1997, she completed post-graduate studies in Health Promotion at the Institute of Public Health of the Jagiellonian University. In 2012, she completed post-graduate studies in Economy and Public Administration at the Małopolska School of Public Administration of the Cracow University of Economics. In 2019, she completed post-graduate studies in HTA and EBM in Healthcare Management as part of the “Development of administrative and management competences for quality improvement in healthcare” project organised by the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Jagiellonian University. From the beginning of her work, she has been developing the principles of the “Healthy Cracow” Municipal Healthcare Programme, organising conferences, trainings and outdoor health-related events, including the “Cracow Health Days”. She cooperates with numerous regional and national healthcare-related institutions. She is also a representative of the City of Cracow in the Association of Healthy Polish Cities and the President of the Management Board of the Association. As part of this activity, among others, she organises meetings for member cities which address significant issues regarding healthcare and prevention. top
Vinciane Pirard | Belgium | 2017
Vinciane is director of public affairs at SANOFI where she is responsible for rare diseases and specialty care. She has collaborated to IMI ADAPT-SMART work package 3. She is the co-chair of the European joint industry task force on rare diseases and orphan medicinal products. (A joint task force between European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) and the European Association of Bioindustries (EuropaBIo)). Previously she worked 8 years at Genzyme medical department on diagnosis, registries and product development for rare genetic diseases. She also worked at Solvay Pharma and Wyeth. top
Robert Plisko | Poland | 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Robert Plisko is CEO at HTA Consulting since 2006 and one of the company’s founders. He obtained his Master of Economics title at the Cracow University of Economics. His professional career started at the National Centre for Quality Assessment in Healthcare. Robert Plisko is the author of numerous publications on HTA and health care. He is head of the Economic Analyses Department at HTA Consulting. top
Tadeusz Popiela | Poland | 2018
Kierownik Zakładu Diagnostyki Obrazowej Centrum Urazowego Medycyny Ratunkowej i Katastrof Szpitala Uniwersyteckiego w Krakowie oraz profesor nadzwyczajny Katedry Radiologii Wydziału Lekarskiego Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Absolwent Akademii Medycznej w Krakowie. W 2000 roku jako pierwszy w Polsce wykonał procedurę biopsji gruboigłowej piersi wspomaganej próżnią, zarówno pod kontrolą mammografii cyfrowej jak i USG. Jego doświadczenia w tego rodzaju procedurach zostały zaprezentowane w pracy nagrodzonej podczas Zjazdu Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe w 2001 w Goteborgu. Po raz pierwszy w Polsce zorganizował Seminarium IBUS (International Breast Ultrasound School) – edycja polska 2006 “Diagnostyka obrazowa piersi”. Od 2013r jest zaangażowany w badania związane z badaniem i testowaniem nowatorskiego urządzenia do termografii kontaktowej opartej na technologii pasywnych matryc ciekłokrystalicznych. Stworzył i zredagował pierwszy w Polsce Atlas Termograficzny Raka Piersi, wydany przez PZWL w 2015 r. W zakresie opublikowanych prac autor ponad 100 pozycji, 92 wystąpień na konferencjach zagranicznych i 133 konferencjach krajowych. Zrealizował 4 granty krajowe, 2 zagraniczne oraz 11 projektów statutowych obejmujących zarówno zagadnienia inwazyjnej diagnostyki onkologicznej w zakresie gruczołów piersiowych, jak i metod radiologii interwencyjnej. Przedstawiciel Polskiego Lekarskiego Towarzystwa Radiologicznego. Recenzent dla czasopisma European Journal of Radiology, Polish Journal of Radiology oraz Medycyny Praktycznej. W 2018 r. prof. Tadeusz Popiela razem z prof. Agnieszką Słowik otrzymali nagrodę Prezesa Rady Ministrów za zorganizowanie i koordynowanie systemu leczenia przyczynowego udaru niedokrwiennego mózgu za pomocą trombektomii mechanicznej (CITO) skierowany do mieszkańców Małopolski. W ramach tego systemu leczenie zapewniono ponad 200 chorym. top
Maarten J. Postma | Netherlands | 2021
Maarten J. Postma jest przewodniczącym Global Health Economics w Uniwersyteckim Centrum Medycznym w Groningen (UMCG) oraz wydziału Ekonomii i Biznesu, będących częścią Uniwersytetu w Groningen, oraz kierownikiem instytutu badawczego UMCG o nazwie „SHARE”. Jest również profesorem farmakoekonomiki na Wydziale Farmaceutycznym Uniwersytetu w Groningen oraz dwóch wydziałach w Indonezji – Wydział Farmakologii na Universitas Airlangga w Surabai oraz Wydział Innowacji Opieki Farmaceutycznej na Universitas Padjadjaran w Bandungu. W szczególności przewodniczy on sześćdziesięcioosobowemu zespołowi pracowników, doktorów i doktorów habilitowanych, którzy są badaczami ekonomiki zdrowia oraz farmakoekonomiki i mają wkład w wiele międzynarodowych organizacji badawczych i komunikację naukową. Na obszary badawcze składają się metody opłacalności ekonomicznej, przykładowo w wakcynologii, transfuzjologii, zapobieganiu chorobom przewlekłym (i powikłaniom), lekach sierocych oraz medycynie personalizowanej. Zarówno w przeszłości, jak i obecnie zasiada w różnych komisjach doradzających rządowi holenderskiemu w sprawie refundacji leków i szczepionek (Kolegium Ubezpieczeń Zdrowotnych Holenderskiego Instytutu Zdrowia (CVZ/ZiNL) i Holenderska Rada Zdrowia). Ponadto jest on doradcą różnych firm konsultingowych związanych ze zdrowiem i ekonomią, firm farmaceutycznych na całym świecie oraz Ministerstw Zdrowia w państwach ościennych. Jest on również członkiem wielu redakcji naukowych czasopism, zasiada w komitetach doradczych firm farmaceutycznych, jest specjalistycznym doradcą WHO i członkiem komitetów doradczych WHO (SAGE). Jest członkiem brytyjskiego Komitetu ds. Szczepionek i Szczepień oraz doradcą walijskiego AWMSG (All Wales Medicines Strategy Group). Jego specjalizacją jest rola farmakoekonomiki i ekonomiki zdrowia w procesie refundacji. Maarten J. Postma posiada tytuł magistra ekonometrii oraz doktora ekonomiki zdrowia. top
Csilla Pozsgay | Hungary | 2017
Csilla Pozsgay is currently the General Director of the National Intitute of Pharmacy and Nutrition in Hungary. She graduated from medicine at the Semmelweis University (Hungary). She has two medical specialisations: reumatology and physiotherapy. She has experience in managing clinical trials and acting as regulatory expert and supporting clinical trial submissions. From 2011 till 2013 she was Director of Medical and Scientific Affairs at National Institute of Pharmacy (Hungary). Then she was a Medical Director at MSD Magyarország Kft. (2013-2015). top
Tomasz Jan Prycel | Poland | 2020 2021
Managing Director of CEESTAHC. Graduate of the Faculty of Medicine of the Medical University in Łódź and Postgraduate Health Care Management Studies in the Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine. Expert in cooperation and creation of health projects with local government units, with many years of experience in creating an educational platform for developing high-quality health programmes in important areas of public health. President of the European Foundation for Solving Health Problems (Europejska Fundacja Rozwiązywania Problemów Zdrowotnych). Co-creator of the “Zdrowie/Człowiek/Profilaktyka” educational programme, aimed at local governments and employers. Initiator of www.dobreprogramyzdrowotne.pl, a website containing a Health Programme Creator and educational materials for creators of health policy programmes. top
Maria Psenkova | Slovakia | 2016
She founded and currently leads the company Pharm-In, Ltd, offering its services in the field of Market Access (registration, pricing and reimbursement, pharmacoeconomics) that works since 2008. Maria Psenkova has an extensive experience in management positions in the pharmaceutical industry. Worked in marketing, sales and market access and with her teams successfully introduced to the pharmaceutical market several innovative medicines in various therapeutic areas. She has experience in the execution of drug policy regulation, she worked as advisor to the Ministry of Health and as consultant for Health Insurance Company. Since 2011 she is lecturer at Slovak Medical University and currently holds the position of Past President at ISPOR chapter Slovakia. top
Michał Rataj | Poland | 2017 2019
Graduated from the Faculty of Computer Science at the University of Silesia, profession IT specialist. As a patient, actively involved in patient organizations for over 20 years. Board Member of European Patients Forum (EPF). I am also pleased to represent EPF in Patients’ and Consumers’ Working Party (PCWP) within the European Medicines Agency (EMA). Through the EMA, I am involved in various projects as digital and media working group, electronic product information, vaccination and more. I am also a board member of the Polish Neuromuscular Diseases Association (PTCHNM) and European Alliance of Muscular Dystrophy Associations (EAMDA Slovenia). Co-organiser of many international and national conferences for patients with neuro - muscular diseases. Co-author of publication:“Be an ambassador for change that you would like to see”: a call to action to all stakeholders for co-creation in healthcare and medical research to improve quality of life of people with a neuromuscular disease (Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases). In private life - enthusiast of modern technologies and modern devices facilitating mobility. top
Paulina Rolska-Wójcik | Poland | 2016 2017 2019
Business development & project manager w firmie HTA Consulting. Poprzednio specjalista ds. ekonomiki zdrowia w dziale Market Access w GlaxoSmithKline. Od 2014 do 2016 roku współpracowała z firmą MedInvest Scanner, zajmującą się oceną ryzyka inwestycyjnego w innowacyjne nielekowe technologie medyczne oraz due diligence. W latach 2013-2014 audytor w firmie HTA Audit zajmującej się oceną jakości analiz wchodzących w skład raportu HTA. Z wykształcenia doktor nauk o zdrowiu. Autorka wielu publikacji. top
Przemysław Ryś | Poland | 2018 2019 2020
The Clinical Analyses Department's Director in HTA Consulting. A doctor by education, he graduated from Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University and worked in the J. Dietl Specialist Hospital in Krakow and the Krakow University Hospital. Przemysław heads the Clinical Analyses Department and supervises projects carried out in Poland and the rest of Europe. He is the author of clinical and methodical publications as well as a reviewer of scientific journals. He has a great eye for detail and the ability to ask inquisitive clinical and methodical questions. top
Joanna Rzempała | Poland | 2021
PhD in economics, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Organisation and Management at the Faculty of Economics, Finance and Management of the University of Szczecin. Lecturer in the field of project management. She is the director and a lecturer of "Project Manager" postgraduate studies at the University of Szczecin. Vice President of IPMA Poland responsible for student certification and cooperation with universities. Manager of teaching and business projects, independent consultant specialising in project financial management. IPMA-Student Programme Manager, Coordinator of the National Project Master Competition for the best diploma thesis in project management. She holds the title of Certified Senior Project Manager IPMA-B, the Green Project Management Global- b Certificate and the certificate of the Ministry of Finance for providing accounting services as well as the PRINCE2 Foundation project management certificate. She was awarded the title of Project Management 2015 Atlas for spreading the idea and knowledge of project management in Poland. Author of scientific publications, including in the field of management. She has been a member of the Finance Committee of IPMA International since March 2018. top
Katarzyna Sabiłło | Poland | 2017
Prezes Zarządu Fundacji Lege Pharmaciae. Absolwentka Wydziału Farmacji Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Warszawie (1995) oraz podyplomowych studiów w zakresie zarządzania prowadzonych na Uniwersytecie Łódzkim we współpracy z Uniwersytetem w Lionie we Francji (1996), z ukończonym kursem “European Regulatory Affairs Course” organizowanym pod auspicjami EMEA (2002). Wielokrotny reprezentant Związku Pracodawców Innowacyjnych Firm Farmaceutycznych INFARMA, w pracach parlamentarnych nad kolejnymi nowelizacjami Prawa Farmaceutycznego. Członek Zespołu ds. Nowelizacji Prawa Farmaceutycznego powołanego przez Ministra Zdrowia (2006). Wykładowca w Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego oraz na Uniwersytecie Łódzkim. W latach 1997-2008 dyrektor ds. Rejestracji i Regulacji Prawnych w Berlin-Chemie / Menarini Polska Sp. z o.o. Od 2009 r. prowadzi własną firmę doradczą specjalizującą się w szeroko rozumianych kwestiach regulatorowych. Współfundator Fundacji Lege Pharmaciae zajmującej się krzewieniem zasad dobrej legislacji w sektorze ochrony zdrowia. top
Stefan Sauerland | Germany | 2019
Stefan Sauerland dołączył do IQWiG (Instytut ds. Jakości i Efektywności w Służbie Zdrowia) w styczniu 2010 r. Jako szef Departamentu ds. leczenia niefarmakologicznego odpowiada za naukową ocenę terapii niefarmakologicznych (w tym wyrobów medycznych), testów diagnostycznych i procedur kontrolnych. IQWiG odpowiada za sporządzanie opartych na dowodach naukowych raportów, które pomagają w podejmowaniu decyzji refundacyjnych na poziomie krajowym w ramach niemieckiego systemu opieki zdrowotnej. Prof. Sauerland posiada ponad 12-letnie doświadczenie w badaniach chirurgicznych, które najpierw zdobywał na Uniwersytecie w Kolonii, a następnie na Uniwersytecie Witten/Herdecke. Jego głównym obszarem zainteresowań były badania kliniczne, wytyczne kliniczne oraz metaanalizy. Opublikował ponad 250 artykułów, z których ponad 150 znajduje się w bazie Medline. W 2005 r. otrzymał nagrodę DKV Cochrane za sporządzenie dla Cochrane oceny appendektomii laparoskopowej. Uzyskał tytuł lekarza medycyny na Uniwersytecie w Kolonii oraz tytuł M.P.H (magistra ds. ochrony zdrowia publicznego) na Uniwersytecie w Dusseldorfie. W 2019 r. został profesorem-adiunktem na Uniwersytecie w Kolonii. top
Ad R. Schuurman MBA | Netherlands | 2017
Head of Business Contact Centre and International Affairs of the Dutch National Health Care Institute (ZIN). President of the Medicines Evaluation Committee (MEDEV) Ad Schuurman completed his study in Utrecht as a clinical psychologist in 1980. He subsequently worked for five years as head of a patients’ association. In the following years, as staff officer of a regional Institute for Mental Health, he organized the cooperation the Regional Institutes for Mental Health and the other healthcare organisations. After spending several years as manager of the national project relating to pharmacy therapeutic decision making, he became head of a geriatric department. In the meantime he completed studies on management consultancy and on business administration (MBA). As deputy director of the Dutch College of General Practitioners (NHG), he set up the Electronic Prescription System. In recent years, as manager of the Pharmacy department, he was responsible for the pharmacy-related activities of the ZIN. Since 2006 he was head of the Reimbursement Department, covering all healthcare reimbursement issues in the Netherlands. In 2006 he became President of the Medicine Evaluation Committee (MEDEV) in Brussels, in which reimbursement authorities of 20 EU countries cooperate. Since 2010 is Ad Head of Business Contact Centre and International Affairs of the National Health Care Institute (ZIN). top
Holger Schünemann | Canada | 2020
Prof. Schünemann is Chair of the Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact (formerly “Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics”). He is director of Cochrane Canada, co-director of the McMaster University WHO collaborating center for evidence informed policy-making (until 2018) and the McMaster GRADE center, co-chair of the Guidelines International Network and International Network of Health Technology Agencies (GINATHA) working group. He has served as methods lead on over 20 European Commission and WHO expert guideline committees and served as adviser to member countries. From 2005 to 2009 he was at the Italian National Cancer Center in Rome, Italy, serving as interim chair of the department of Epidemiology from 2007 to 2009, before moving to McMaster University as full-time Professor and to become Chair of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics. He completed his second and final term a chair in June 2019 and focuses now on research and implementation projects related to guidelines and systematic reviews. He has been advisor to ministries of health, other governmental organisations and numerous professional societies for their knowledge synthesis and guideline programs and is co-chair of the GRADE working group (www.gradeworkinggroup.org) where he was instrumental in the creation of 16 GRADE centers and networks globally. His scientific work focuses on evidence synthesis, quality of life research and the presentation and development of health care recommendations spanning clinical medicine to public health. He has authored or co-authored over 600 peer-reviewed publications, has been named by Thomson Reuters as one of the most influential 3,000 scientific minds of current times yearly since 2015, and is on the list of the 1500 most cited scientists of all times. As editor in Chief, he leads the journal Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. Maintaining an active internal medicine practice fulfills his passion for patient care and ensures his research is people-oriented. top
Markus Siebert | Belgium | 2018
Senior Director Reimbursement & Healthcare Economics, International (Abbott, Belgium). Markus Siebert was named Senior Director Reimbursement & Healthcare Economics of the International Division at St. Jude Medical (now Abbott) in January 2012. He is responsible for the development and execution of reimbursement strategies and for leading the development of health economic evidence in support of Market Access of Abbott innovations in Europe, Asia and Australia. Work with multiple stakeholders, including payers and HTA agencies is of considerable relevance to this work. Markus is currently Chair of the Evidence & Payers Working Group at MedTech Europe (previously Eucomed), the European medical technology association; past Chair of Eucomed Working Groups on Economics and on Telemonitoring; a member of the Cardiovascular Roundtable of the European Society of Cardiology; and company representative on the HTAi Policy Forum. Markus was co-initiator and Board Member of EHTI, the European Health Technology Institute for Socio-Economic Research. Markus joined St. Jude Medical in January 2004 after almost seven years at Eucomed (now MedTech Europe), where he headed the Economic Affairs Department. He holds a Master Degree in Economics from the University of Bochum (Germany) and a Master in Health Economics from VLEKHO, Belgium. top
Steven Simoens | Belgium | 2017
Steven Simoens currently is a full Professor of health economics at KU Leuven. Since 2011, he is a member of the board of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences at KU Leuven. Since April 2013, he is the head of the unit Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy in the Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences at KU Leuven. Steven Simoens is a Commercial Engineer (KU Leuven, 1997), who later specialised in health economics and obtained a MSc in Health Economics (University of York, 1998) and a PhD in Economics (University of Aberdeen, 2001). top
Iwona Skrzekowska-Baran | Poland | 2018
Iwona graduate of the Faculty of Medicine of the Jagiellonian University Medical College in Cracow. She wrote her doctoral thesis in medicine and completed MBA studies with a specialisation in the field of Health Technology Management. For over 20 years her focus has been on healthcare systems, pharmacoeconomics, health technology assessment and drug pricing. She is a member of HTAi, ISPOR, PTFE. top
Małgorzata Skweres-Kuchta | Poland | 2019 2021
PhD in economics, professionally involved with the University of Szczecin; her field of work involves management of healthcare systems and support for children with rare diseases; member of the Council of Experts on Rare Diseases at Medyczna Racja Stanu (Medical National Interest, Polish think-tank), CEO of Platynowa Drużyna (Platinum Team Foundation) – patient organisation for patients with type 2 neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (CLN2); member of the NCL Gruppe Deutschland e.V. patient organisation. top
Agnieszka Słowik | Poland | 2018
Head of the Department of Neurology and the Neurogenetics Facility at the Collegium Politicum of the Jagiellonian University. She is also the head of the Centre of Interventional Acute Stroke Therapy (CITO) at the University Hospital in Cracow. She is a member of the Committee of Medical Sciences of the Cracow branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN), the Committee of Neurological Sciences of PAN, and the Scientific Council of the Institute of Pharmacology of PAN in Cracow. She belongs to the European Stroke Organisation, the American Neurological Association and the American Neurological Academy. Since 2008 she has belonged to the International Stroke Genetics Consortium and is now a member of this organisation's Steering Committee. As part of the consortium, she conducts research centred on the search for genetic risk factors for various etiologies of stroke. Many of these studies are published in leading scientific journals, e.g. Nature Genetics, Lancet Neurology or American Journal of Human Genetics. Her scientific interests include the issues of pathophysiology, clinic and stroke therapy and other age-related nervous system diseases. She is the author of over 150 papers in this field and has been quoted over 3400 times. She has obtained 12 national scientific grants and 15 international ones. She has won 10 scientific awards, including two awards from the Polish Academy of Sciences, two from the Minister of Health and three from the Minister of Science. In 2018, Prof. Agnieszka Słowik, together with Prof. Tadeusz Popiela, has received the Prime Minister's award for organising and coordinating a system of causative treatment of ischemic stroke via mechanical thrombectomy (CITO), addressed to the residents of Małopolska. As part of this system, 200 patients were treated using mechanical thrombectomy. top
Sophie Söderholm Werkö | Sweden | 2021
Manager International Relations & Patient Engagement, The Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Assessment of Social Services. Sophie has an MSc in Business Administration and a PhD from the University of Stockholm. She has a longstanding engagement with HTA and started in HTA as Project Director at The Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Assessment of Social Services (SBU). In 2012 she was appointed Manager of International Relations at SBU, responsible for coordinating SBU’s international work and she is also leading the work on Patient Involvement at SBU. As Chair of the International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment (INAHTA) until 2020, she had an important role of leading the global network of publicly funded HTA agencies. She has participated in the work of the European network for Health Technology Assessment (EUnetHTA) since 2009 and represents Sweden in the EU HTA Network (HTAN). Recently she acted as regional advisor to the WHO Egypt office and the WHO in the EMRO Region. She publishes frequently in scientific journals and acts as reviewer and associated editor in several journals. top
Sophie Staniszewska | UK | 2021
Prof. Sophie Staniszewska prowadzi program badawczy Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) oraz Experiences of Care w Warwick Medical School w Anglii. Skupia się na rozwijaniu bazy dowodowej PPIE w obszarach takich jak modelowanie matematyczne i ekonomiczne, genomika i pozyskiwanie danych oraz infekcje układu pokarmowego. Ostatnio wraz z dr Sophie Werko współredagowała specjalne wydanie czasopisma medycznego International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, skupiające się na zaangażowaniu pacjentów i społeczeństwa w HTA (ocenę technologii medycznych). Sophie była współprzewodniczącą podgrupy Methods and Impact (wraz z dr Werko) w Citizen and Patient Involvement HTAi Interest Group. Sophie jest współredaktorem naczelnym czasopisma Springer Nature Journal, Research Involvement and Engagement. Sophie jest członkiem-założycielem Międzynarodowej Sieci PPI, której celem jest stworzenie globalnego zrozumienia i synergii w zakresie zaangażowania pacjentów i społeczeństwa w badania nad zdrowiem i opieką społeczną. top
Mitchell Sugarman | USA | 2016 2017
President and CEO at Anchor Bay Consulting. He was Vice President of Global Health Economics, Policy and Payment for Medtronic’s CardioVascular Division. In this role, he was responsible for ensuring that reimbursement is a consideration in every functional area from product conception, through research and development, clinical and regulatory affairs, product launch and marketing. Prior to joining Medtronic, Mr. Sugarman worked at Kaiser Permanente for 19 years initially as the Director of a clinical genetics department, and later as the Director of Medical Technology Assessment. This position involved tracking new drugs, devices and procedures as they moved from experimental to non-experimental, and determining whether they should be part of the medical armamentarium. Critical issues evaluated included safety, efficacy and cost-effectiveness. top
Wojciech Szefke | Poland | 2017
Wojciech Szefke has a master's degree in law, history and administration of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. In the years 2003-2007 he acted as legislator of the Ministry of Health, was responsible for preparation of bills, drafting legal analyses and cooperation with legal departments of EU institutions. Deputy Public Finance Auditor. He has been a university lecturer for approx. 11 years. Wojciech Szefke graduated from Legisative Studies. Since 2007 his clients include key companies in the medical devices market. He has cooperated with the National Chamber of Commerce for Medical Devices POLMED for 7 years. President of the Board of the Medical Industry Employer Organisation Technomed. Author of numerous publications on the medical devices market and public procurement law. top
Andrzej Śliwczyński | Poland | 2017 2018
Uzyskał tytuł doktora nauk o zdrowiu, na Wydziale Nauk o Zdrowiu Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi. Zastępca Dyrektora Departamentu Analiz i Strategii Centrali NFZ, wykładowca na Akademii Humanistyczno-Ekonomicznej w Łodzi. W latach 1987-2005 pracował i pełnił kierownicze funkcje w Państwowym Przedsiębiorstwie Zaopatrzenia Farmaceutycznego “Cefarm”. Od 2005 r. pracuje w Centrali Narodowego Funduszu Zdrowia. W 2012 ukończył podyplomowe studia baz danych. Obecnie zajmuje się analizą dużych zestawów danych dotyczących rzeczywistej praktyki klinicznej. Autor i współautor ok. 40 artykułów publikowanych w krajowych i międzynarodowych pismach z zakresu medycyny i ekonomiki, mówiących o analizie danych medycznych, finansowaniu w systemie ochrony zdrowia, epidemiologii, farmakoekonomiki. Członek Rady Przejrzystości Agencji Oceny Technologii Medycznych. top
Bartosz Świdrak | Poland | 2017
Attorney-at-law, senior associate at FAIRFIELD Law Firm (previously: DFL Legal), legal expert at the Polish Chamber of Commerce of Medical Devices POLMED. A specialist in Life Sciences, he has been involved in the medical devices industry for many years. His experience includes comprehensive consulting for manufacturing companies, i.a. within the scope of promotion and advertising activities, matters related to supervising the trade of medical devices or issues concerning compliance and legal risk management for companies. He has conducted many internal audits in medical companies. Furthermore, Bartosz Świdrak has experience in the field of training, i.a. workshops dedicated to sales and marketing departments, as well as management boards, in the field of compliance, advertisement law and control procedures. Mr. Świdrak represents clients in the broad range of proceedings: administrative, civil as well as proceedings before the National Appeal Chamber with regard to public procurement. top
Victoria Thomas | UK | 2020
Victoria Thomas BA (Hons), MSc (Dist), Head of Public Involvement National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Victoria Thomas has run the Public Involvement Programme at NICE since 2009, and has been with the Programme since 2001. Following a degree in Art History, Victoria has worked exclusively in the public and voluntary sector, specialising in healthcare quality improvement activities and in patient and public involvement. Victoria’s MSc, in Science and Society, concentrated on issues of science communication, science and the public, and lay people’s engagement with evidence-based healthcare initiatives. Victoria has an interest in shared decision-making, in particular the role of national clinical guidelines as the basis of informed decision-making by both patient and clinician. top
Roman Topór-Mądry | Poland | 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Roman Topór-Mądry, MD – President of the Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariff System. Doctor, specialist in public health, epidemiologist. Regional consultant in public health for the Małopolskie voivodeship. Deputy Director of the Institute of Public Health of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the Jagiellonian University Medical College. Participant and coordinator of many research projects, he worked in advisory teams to, i.a. the Ministry of Health, scientific societies, local governments, the European Commission, the World Bank. top
Ewa Urban | Poland | 2021
Ewa Urban, MD, has worked in the National Institute of Public Health PZH – National Research Institute, in the Department of Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention as Senior Technology Research Specialist, and she has been acting Head of that Department since 2018. Moreover, she is a lecturer at the Postgraduate Medical Education Centre and at the College of Rehabilitation in Warsaw. Ewa Urban is the co-author of scholarly articles in the field of public health and health promotion. She took part in numerous projects, incl. ProfiBaza — digital sharing of public information about the people’s health-related situation and implementation of health programmes addressing disease prevention and health promotion in Poland; Priority on NCD: Increased access to interventions to prevent and manage noncommunicable diseases and their risk factors; Development of an innovative set of indices in the public health area, tailored for the Polish healthcare system; Local partnerships benefiting residents; Assessment of necessary public health actions taken in Poland (EPHOs). top
Mieczysław Walczak | Poland | 2016
Mieczyslaw is Head of: the Department of Paediatrics, Paediatric Endocrinology, Diabetology, Metabolic Diseases and Cardiology at the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, the Coordination Team for Growth Hormone Application and the Coordination Team for Ultra-rare Diseases. He is a member of the Team for Rare Diseases advising the Minister of Health. He co-founded the Polish Registry of Congenital Malformations. He is the National Consultant in the field of paediatric endocrinology and diabetology. He is the Head of the Polish Society of Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetology. He is a member of: the General Board at the Polish Paediatric Society, the Social Council at the Western Pomeranian Child Hospice and the Senate of the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin. Between 2006 and 2013, he was Head of the Council of Clinicians – the Chief Medical Doctor of the Independent Public Clinical Hospital no. 1 in Szczecin. Mieczyslaw Walczak is a member of the Scientific Council at the Children’s Memorial Health Institute in Warsaw and the Scientific Council at the Institute of Mother and Child in Warsaw. He authored or co-authored over 450 publications and statements from conventions and scientific conferences. He was awarded the Silver Cross of Merit and the Gold Medal for Long Service. He was also distinguished by i.a. the Silver Honorary Badge of the Szczecin’s Griffin and the Józef Polikarp Brudziński Honorary Medal. He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the Medical Academy of Poznań. top
Ewa Warmińska | Poland | 2016 2017
An advocate and Senior Associate with Pharmaceutical Law Team and Litigation Team at Dentons' Warsaw office. Ewa advises on pharmaceutical law and reimbursement for drugs and medical devices. She worked for the National Health Fund and the Health Ministry. Ewa was Deputy Director of Health Ministry's Department of Drug Policy and Pharmacy, where her responsibilities included statutory drafting, including the legislation amending the Drug Reimbursement Act (to introduce reimbursement for medical devices) and the Pharmaceutical Law Act, as well as the formulation of proposals for the Clinical Trials Act. Ewa also dealt with administrative and judicial proceedings commenced on applications to provide reimbursement and determine official sale prices for drugs, foodstuffs for particular nutritional uses and medical devices. She was a member of Council for Pricing. top
Björn Wettermark | Sweden | 2021
Björn Wettermark, M.Sc.Pharm, PhD is professor of pharmacoepidemiology at Uppsala university, Sweden and visiting professor at Vilnius university, Lithuania. His research focus mainly on drug utilization as a tool in health policy including prescribing quality indicators, international comparisons of drug utilization, evaluation of prescribing doctors´ adherence to guidelines and patient adherence to treatment as well as intervention studies to promote rational use of drugs. He has previously had various managerial positions in the health region of Stockholm as well as other commitments including membership in national and regional strategic groups on medicine management, scientific advisor to the Swedish Medical Products Agency as well as past chair of the European Drug Utilization Research group, the European chapter of the International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology. top
Wojtek Wiercioch MSc, PhD(c) | Canada | 2017
Research methodologist at the McMaster GRADE Centre in the Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact (McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada). He specializes in evidence synthesis, guideline development methodology, and the guideline development process. As a member of the GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation) Working Group, his focus is on application and training on the GRADE approach for systematic reviews and guidelines. His main research activities include systematic reviews and the development of clinical practice guidelines in collaboration with various medical specialty societies, healthcare organizations, and ministries of health. He completed his graduate training in the Health Research Methodology program at McMaster University. top
Magdalena Władysiuk | Poland | 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
President of CEESTAHC Society, CEO of MedInvest Scanner, Vice President of HTA Consulting.In HTA Consulting, she is responsible for the strategic development of the company through research and services development, new product launch and marketing. Ms. Wladysiuk main and primary aim is to provide high quality information or data based on evidence based medicine or health technology assessment methodology not only in Poland but in Europe and Asia. Key role of her work is to improve patient outcomes through better healthcare decisions. In CEESTAHC she was responsible for the establishing and providing wide connection platform for discussion for all stakeholders in health care system. CEESTAHC mission is to improve the quality of health care systems value with the use of evidence. She graduatd Medical Academy in Lublin and MBA, economy in Kozminski Academy in Warsaw. She was Member of HTAi Annual Meeting in 2006-2008. top
Agnieszka Wojtecka | Poland | 2021
Author of publications on issues related to senior care, active ageing and access to health e-information. Co-author of reports on monitoring public health tasks. Member of research teams and co-author of mid-term ROP 2014-2020 evaluation studies for mid-term review in selected voivodeships. Coordinator of the "Third Age in Health" health promotion programme implemented by the Gdańsk Centre for Health Promotion and Addiction Prevention. Coordinator in a project co-financed by the EU concerning an internship programme for Environmental Health and Public Health students. Psychotherapist. Member of the Polish Society for Health Programs and the Association of Christian Psychologists. top
Marek Wójcik | Poland | 2020 2021
Marek Wójcik, healthcare expert at the Association of Polish Cities, Deputy Minister of Administration and Digitisation in the years 2014-2015, long-term participant of legislative works in the Polish Sejm and Senate; member of the health and social policy team of the Joint Commission of the Government and Local Governments and participant in the work of the Council for Social Dialogue. Since 2004, he has served three terms as chairman of the Council of the Małopolskie Regional Branch of the National Health Fund, an expert to the Minister of Health for restructuring healthcare facilities and ownership transformations (2009-2011), member of the Council for Public Health and of the Scientific Council of the National Influenza Control Programme. He supervises the activities of medical entities subordinate to the Sądecka Municipal Public Services Zone (pilot project), and the Nowy Sącz poviat. Author of publications on public health and health programmes created by local governments. In his didactic activity, he collaborates i.a. with the Cracow University of Economics, Lazarski University in Warsaw, Warsaw School of Economics, Medical University of Łódź, WSB – National Louis University in Nowy Sącz, and University of Business and Entrepreneurship in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski. top
Wojciech Wysoczański | Poland | 2016
Wojciech is the head of Department of Health Technology Assessment in the Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariff System in Poland. Former head of the Pharmaceutical Department at the Central Office of the National Health Fund and former head of the NHF in Dolnośląskie province. He was also the medical director of the Provincial Hospital in Jelenia Góra and hospital in Środa Śląska. He graduated from Wroclaw Medical University and Oskar Lange Wrocław Academy of Economics. top
Vladimir Zah | Canada | 2016
Vladimir, PhD(c), brings more than 20 years of Health Economics technology and business experience. Since 2000, in various roles as Health Economist, Project Manager and Chief Investigator, Vlad has implemented more than 150 health economic models and assessments in the phase 2, 3 and 4 settings, across various disease areas for top 30 global pharmaceutical companies. Vlad worked extensively over the last 6 years in opioid dependence. His PhD research on early vs. late HIV detection in the United Kingdom contributed to revisions in HIV early detection policies made by the UK Parliament in 2011. He co-founded the Serbian Chapter of the International Society for Pharmaco-economics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) in 2007 and served as President of that chapter until 2012. Vlad is an active member of various ISPOR special interest groups (SIG) (including rare diseases) and is ISPOR Central East Europe Executive Committee Chair 2015-2017. Vlad lectures extensively and serves as a key opinion leader in the areas of HEOR, opioid addiction, HIV, diabetes and other. He also consults and provided HEOR training relating to both medications and medical devices to Ministry of Health, National Insurance Funds or at national congresses in Russia, Turkey, Greece, Egypt, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Slovenia, FYROM, Republic of Srpska and India. top
Rafał Zasiewski | Poland | 2019
Rafał has been gaining experience and achieving successes in managerial positions in sales and marketing since 1999. For 15 years, he was associated with the Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis. In 2011, as a leader of an international team of ophthalmic drug managers in Novartis, he built and developed marketing strategies in the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden and Poland. He has introduced projects to optimise operations and manage product strategy in the face of the emergence of competition on the market. Since 2015, he has been co-creating Ideal Datum; the company’s flagship product is Compass Point-Clinics Audit – a consultancy service based on Swiss standards, providing Polish entrepreneurs with a professional tool supporting operational efficiency. As part of his business, he also audits the effectiveness of sales and marketing teams in medical and pharmaceutical companies. top