Non-Governmental Organizations

18th International EBHC Symposium 2023 Integrating evidence for enhanced outcomes
October 9-10, 2023 | hybrid format

Previous editions:  200620072008200920102011 |  2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022
Galerie:  20062007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021

Foundation of Social Education

Since 2002, the Foundation of Social Education (FES, Fundacja Edukacji Społecznej) has worked towards raising awareness on various social problems and public health. The Foundation engages in educational activities in the field of mental and psychosexual health, counteracting addiction to psychoactive substances and behavioural addictions. One of the key aspects of its activity is comprehensive prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, offering universal, free and anonymous testing continuously since 2004. FES also provides extensive psychological, legal and social support to people living with HIV.      top

OnkoCafe – Better Together

Fundacja “Onkocafe – Razem Lepiej” założona przez Annę Kupiecką, która sama doświadczyła choroby onkologicznej działa od 2014 roku na rzecz pacjentów onkologicznych i ich bliskich w zakresie pomocy specjalistów, wsparcia psychologicznego, wolontariatu międzypacjenckiego organizując min. warsztaty, szkolenia dla pacjentów i osób towarzyszących jak również personelu medycznego. Wydawnictwem poradników oraz kampaniami edukacyjnymi szerzy wiedzę na temat profilaktyki i edukacji zdrowego stylu życia. Prowadzi kampanie edukacyjne: BreastFit. Women's breasts. Men's challange, Badaj Biust, A simple story and An uniform is not an armour.   top

"You can treat it!" Foundation

One of the main cornerstones for the establishment of the Foundation was the 2013-2015 campaign “Cancer: You can treat it!” (“Rak To Się Leczy!”). Thanks to the engagement of many people, we managed to spread the positive message that cancer is not necessarily a death sentence, which is why it worth to get tested and not to give up treatment. Statutory objectives of the Foundation include protecting and promoting health, promoting the organisation of volunteer work and the issues of civilisation diseases as well as providing health education to people of different social backgrounds. The Foundation has a free helpline “Lung Cancer – YOU CAN TREAT IT”, holds webinars and workshops for patients with cardiological and oncological diseases, organises support groups and issues reports and educational materials.       top

Strong Liver Transplantation Foundation

Fundacja powstała z dramatycznych doświadczeń Prezesa – Grzegorza Perzyńskiego, któremu 21 lat temu w ostatniej chwili, w stanie skrajnym, przeszczepiono wątrobę, a także z doświadczeń jego brata, ponad 22 lat po pierwszej transplantacji nerki. Główny celem Fundacji jest działanie na rzecz i w interesie osób około transplantacyjnych – tych przed, jak i po przeszczepie, pacjentów dializowanych, a także podnoszenie świadomości społecznej, co do dawstwa organów oraz przepięknej idei transplantacji, bezpośrednio ratującej życie. Już drugi rok prowadzimy kampanię społeczną pod tytułem “Od przeszczepienia do Ironmana – zostań DAWCĄ będziesz WIELKI” na rzecz podniesienia świadomości społecznej w obszarze donacji organów. W ramach kampanii rozdajemy karty oświadczenia woli wraz z ulotką informacyjną, a także rozmawiamy z potencjalnymi dawcami. Działania te prowadzimy wraz z partnerami – organizatorami dużych imprez masowych, jak choćby seria zawodów Ironman Poland, czy imprezy kolarskie Czesława Langa – Orlen Tour De Pologne Amatorów. Co roku jesteśmy również obecni w strefie NGO na Opener Festival w Gdyni. Działamy aktywnie w Parlamentarnym Zespole ds. Transplantacji, jesteśmy członkiem Rady Organizacji Pacjentów przy Rzeczniku Praw Pacjenta, a także mamy zaszczyt brać udział w posiedzeniach tzw. Okrągłego Stołu Polskiej Transplantologii. Prezes Grzegorz ma również wielki honor należeć do Kadry Narodowej Osób po Transplantacji, z którą nasza Fundacja obecna była na Światowych Igrzyskach w Australii w kwietniu bieżącego roku. top

Fundacja Pomocy Rodzinom i Chorym na Mukowiscydozę

Fundacja MATIO wspiera swoich podopiecznych od 1996 r. Od 27 lat nie tylko dofinansowuje chorym leki czy sprzęt, ale także rozpowszechnia wiedzę na temat nieuleczalnej choroby, jaką jest mukowiscydoza, poprzez organizowanie warsztatów, szkoleń, konferencji medyczno-naukowych czy kampanii społecznych. Organizacja wydaje kwartalnik MATIO skierowany do chorych, ich rodzin oraz przedstawicieli środowiska medycznego. Organizuje Kampanię społeczną „Ogólnopolski Tydzień Mukowiscydozy”, ale przede wszystkim zabiega o zmiany systemowe zmieniające życie chorych na mukowiscydozę. Pod opieką Fundacji jest ok. 1800 osób z terenu całej Polski.       top

Let’s stay together!
Ogólnopolskie Stowarzyszenie Młodych z Zapalnymi Chorobami Tkanki Łącznej

The activity of the “Let’s stay together!” Association (called “3majmy się razem” in Polish) is based mostly on the volunteer work of its members, many of whom have had inflammatory connective tissue diseases for years. They know best what problems young patients and their families face, what they need, expect and lack and what else can be done for them. The goals of the Association include: social integration of patients with inflammatory connective tissue diseases, disseminating knowledge about these diseases among patients and in their social environment, as well as coming together to overcome access barriers to new information on therapeutic possibilities for systemic connective tissue diseases.  top

Onkofundacja Alivia

The Alivia Cancer Foundation has been supporting cancer patients in the fight for their life and health for 13 years. The Foundation provides them with professional and financial support. Thanks to Alivia, patients can access free-of-charge websites, such as: Oncoindex, Onkoskaner and Onkomapa, which help them make conscious decisions regarding their treatment process. Since 2010, the Foundation has donated over PLN 35 million to cancer patients for covering the treatment costs not reimbursed by the National Health Fund.       top

Polish Neuromuscular Diseases Association

Our organization – the Polish Neuromuscular Diseases Association was founded in Poland in 1989 and offers the support to the people suffering from genetically conditioned neuromuscular diseases, commonly known as muscle atrophy and dystrophy, as well myopathy, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and more. The Association gathers patients and their families, doctors, physiotherapists, researchers and broad range of people who want to bring help and support to all NMD patients. The Association brings together over 1000 members in one health centre at the Medical Academy of Warsaw. The main purpose of our organisation is to improve quality and life status of all NMD patients.       top

Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Walki z Chorobami Nowotworowymi

Our association brings together people that care deeply about helping and supporting others. We believe that in the future, efficient prophylactics and health education will help reduce the number of people diagnosed with cancer too late. Hopefully, we will get rid of the harmful stereotypes and we will inspire people to start taking good care of their health and the health of their loved ones. Sanitas means HEALTH in Latin and the name itself brings to mind the city of Sanok and its river, San. Numerous events taking place around us resulted in the creation of “SANITAS”, the Association for Fight against Cancer. We have been active since 2011. In 2014, our association obtained the status of a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO). We do not employ people, everyone working with Sanitas and supporting the association does so voluntarily. Each of us has a day job, own family responsibilities, but we are ready to devote our free time, sometimes at the expense of other areas, in order to address the health needs of others. Our main goal is to spread awareness about the widely understood cancer prophylactics and to provide support to people who currently struggle with this disease or went through a cancer battle in the past, regardless of their gender or which cancer affected them. Apart from our fixed, recurring Actions, we put numerous spontaneous ideas into practice. We often meet the needs and match the expectations of the given moment. Every day, we pass various people on the street. Many of them have been affected by the same Problem. Numerous people fight the disease alone. The most important thing in the extremely difficult time that is experiencing cancer is not to be alone and left without answers to pervading questions. We are here to make sure that no one goes through these difficult moments alone and is left with their own thoughts and fears without any support. We help people reach specialists. We help the loved ones of people suffering from cancer who often feel powerless and confused. That is why we are here. To help understand and go through these moments.       top

Stowarzyszenie Hematoonkologiczni

The Hematoonkologiczni Association was founded in 2019 by patients with myeloproliferative syndrome and their friends and families.  Before that we were active as a support group: Myelofibrosis Patient Group (Zespół Chorych na Mielofibrozę).  Today we help patients with blood cancers and their loved ones.  top

Metal Hearts Association in Przemyśl

The Association’s activities are focused around social assistance, charitable initiatives, health care and rehabilitation. It was founded spontaneously as a response to the needs of cardiac patients. The Association implements its statutory objectives by: conducting activities aiming at improving the quality of life of persons after open-heart surgeries, propagating a healthy lifestyle, establishing contacts between patients, and eliminating loneliness in sickness. top

Heart at Banacha
Stowarzyszenie Pacjentów i Przyjaciół Kliniki Kardiologii na Banacha

The Heart at Banacha Association (Stowarzyszenie Serce na Banacha) is a non-governmental organisation.  In the pursuit of its statutory goals, the Association:

  •  raises awareness about treatment possibilities among cardiovascular disease patients,
  • takes care of patients with cardiological diseases in their fight against the disease,
  • takes socio-informative actions in the scope of primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases,
  • exchanges experiences and insights with other organisations and institutions, both in Poland and worldwide.

The Association cooperates with health centres across Poland  and in Europe. Additionally, the Association is a member of a global organisation that aims at, among others, improving the quality of patient treatment and strengthening the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Visit our website where you can find interesting information about what we do and how cardiovascular diseases can be prevented.

Visit our website, where you can find interesting information about what we do and how cardiovascular diseases can be prevented. top


The UroConti Association of People

The UroConti Association of People suffering from urinary incontinence brings together persons struggling with this disorder. The Association was founded by a group of active people who wish to help themselves and other patients who face this problem. The objectives of the Association include improving the quality of life of people with urinary incontinence, supporting the people directly affected and their families, as well as disseminating knowledge about urinary incontinence treatment methods and increasing social awareness about urinary incontinence.

"Na pomoc niesamodzielnym" Coalition

Koalicja „Na pomoc niesamodzielnym” jest Związkiem Stowarzyszeń, reprezentującym ponad 500 organizacji, instytucji oraz osób działających na rzecz niesamodzielnych i przewlekle chorych. Od początku istnienia działa na rzecz systemowych zmian w opiece nad osobami niesamodzielnymi, rozwoju oraz profesjonalizacji środowiskowego wsparcia, prowadzących do poprawy jakości życia osób niesamodzielnych i przewlekle chorych. Celem Koalicji „Na pomoc niesamodzielnym” jest przekonanie władz państwowych, samorządowych oraz opinii publicznej do pilnej potrzeby budowy w Polsce nowoczesnego systemu wsparcia osób niesamodzielnych. Świadczone usługi pomocowe i opiekuńcze powinny być ustandaryzowane, koordynowane, nadzorowane i poparte stabilnymi źródłami finansowania. Więcej informacji o działalności Koalicji na stronie       top

Platinum Team

Platynowa Drużyna (Platinum Team) familiarises us with what is rare.The Foundation was created to raise awareness and generate knowledge regarding orphan diseases. We especially address CLN (Batten disease).

What do we do?

  • we educate on rare diseases – their role and social and economic significance
  • we integrate ability with disability, showing that only together they become whole
  • we run rehabilitation and development programmes for children
  • we do scientific work in the field of healthcare system management and social security concerning rare diseases
  • we cooperate with CLN patient associations from other countries.

Where you can find us?

  • Pomeranian Region: Borzytuchom 77-141, ul. Jeziorna 21 (headquarters)
  • West Pomeranian Region: Szczecin 71-004, ul. Cukrowa 8       top

Fundacja STOMAlife

Fundacja STOMALife to zarówno ludzie jak i przestrzeń. Dobrzy ludzie i dobra przestrzeń. Przestrzeń, w której wszyscy czują się ludzko i bezpiecznie i gdzie nikt nie jest wykluczony ze względu na niewidoczną niepełnosprawność jaką jest również stomia. Statutowo zajmujemy się szerzeniem wiedzy na temat stomii. Edukujemy, odkłamujemy stereotypy, odpowiadamy na wszelkie pytania. Szkolimy, rozmawiamy i pokazujemy na przykładach, że stomia nie odczłowiecza, że to poważny zabieg, który ratuje życie choć jednocześnie bardzo je zmienia.   top

Stowarzyszenie „Słyszeć bez granic"

The Hearing Without Borders Association was established on the initiative of parents of hearing-impaired children, bringing together people with disabilities and their families, as well as specialists in various fields, including those related to hearing loss. The association acts for the benefit of people with hearing disabilities regardless of their age, including those with multiple disabilities, provided that impaired hearing is one of them. The association cooperates with communities connected with hard-of-hearing people, including activities popularising knowledge on treatment, rehabilitation and education. Moreover, it has significant influence on legislative processes concerning improvement of quality of life of people with hearing impairment, including people using auditory implants or those considering implant placement. The association has the status of a public benefit organisation. top

Fundacja MatkoweLove

The MatkoweLove Foundation provides support for premature babies and their parents. Our efforts are focused on organising support groups, educational workshops for parents of premature babies, consultations with specialists supporting such infants, educational campaigns and watchdog activities in the context of rights of premature babies as patients. top

Polish Amazons Social Movement, PARS

Elżbieta Kozik founded PARS in 2009. We are an association which supports cancer patients and their loved ones at every stage of their treatment and recovery. We help them find their way in the oncological care system and receive the diagnosis and treatment they need. For that very reason, we have created a platform for cancer patients and their loved ones: It aims at leading cancer patients and their loved ones through all stages of the diagnosis and cancer treatment. A dedicated helpline, where every caller will receive help and support, is operated alongside the Crisis Centre.

Moreover, we support the patients and their loved ones in dealing with stress caused by the disease mainly by implementing the “Zdrowiej” (Get better) programme which is based on mindfulness and crisis coaching methods.

The aim of the association is to conduct activities which benefit cancer patients:

  • Increasing the availability of medicine and oncological therapies saving lives and the access to specialists and hospitals.
  • Dążymy do zwiększenia wiedzy pacjentów na temat ich praw i możliwości leczenia.
  • Improving the quality and the standard of cancer care.  |       top

WE the Patients Foundation

The WE the Patients Foundation was established in 2012 to support the participation of patients in health care decision-making and to provide patient organisations with expertise and thus with the possibility to successfully communicate their problems and needs and to efficiently influence their implementation in health policies run by public administration. The Foundation is a think tank active in heath care, analysing the needs of patients and citizens, providing decision-makers with constructive suggestions of systemic solutions meeting these needs. The aim of the Foundation is to build cooperation platforms between the public administration, patients and patient organisations, doctors, the academia and business in health care. top

Fundacja "Gwiazda Nadziei"

Fundacja „Gwiazda Nadziei” z siedzibą w Katowicach jest organizacją pożytku publicznego. Istnieje od 2007 r. Celem Fundacji jest ratowanie ludzkiego życia, w szczególności osób z chorobami wątroby. Stąd Fundacja podejmuje liczne działania, mające na celu wspieranie osób chorych, w szczególności dotkniętych chorobami wątroby, chorobami nowotworowymi i niepełnosprawnością.

Wszystkie działania Fundacji są nieodpłatne dla beneficjentów, którymi są nie tylko osoby chore ale również odbiorcy kampanii społecznych czy programów edukacyjnych, kierowanych do lekarzy, nauczycieli i młodzieży z zakresu profilaktyki chorób wątroby oraz chorób nowotworowych.  top

Association of Healthy Polish Cities

The Association of Healthy Polish Cities was founded in 1993. It is a non-governmental association of cities and municipalities, whose City Councils and Municipality Councils, by accepting the Statute, adopted resolutions on joining the Association and took responsibility for the local implementation of the “Health for All” strategy, adapting it to their conditions. Currently (2020), the Association of Healthy Polish Cities includes 39 cities and municipalities with a total population of approx. 6.5 million. Our organisation and member cities implement the Healthy Cities Project launched by the Regional Office for Europe of the World Health Organisation in order to implement the “Health for All by 2000” strategy at a local level. It's aimed at improving the health conditions of Polish cities, i.e. the environmental conditions and the health of their residents. The main goal of WHO is striving to maintain the equity in health principle for the entire society and constant development in this regard. The Association of Healthy Polish Cities maintains continuous contact with the World Health Organisation. It is one of the national healthy city networks which complies with the WHO criteria (is certified by the WHO). According to the National Health Programme for 2016-2020, the Association of Healthy Polish Cities was indicated as the entity competent for cooperation in the area of “Coordination, evaluation and research tasks”. Healthy Cities is a health-promoting action based on cross-sectoral cooperation and including various determinants of health; it is a group of local governments actively supporting the health and quality of life of their residents, becoming a platform for exchanging information and experiences. The range of activities in the member cities is very broad: from health promotion, prophylaxis, activities aimed at the elderly and disabled persons, to environmental protection and creating conditions conducive to health and a healthy lifestyle. The goals and tasks of the Healthy Cities are consistent with the National Health Programme. The Association supports the member cities and municipalities by:
  • inspiring and supporting local health-promoting actions,
  • facilitating the exchange of experiences between member cities and promoting good practices in the field of cross-sectoral health-supporting actions,
  • facilitating access to the World Health Organisation's public health materials
  • rozpowszechnianych w ramach współpracy Zdrowych Miat w Europie,
  • cooperation with institutions and organisations handling health issues.
We are an open organisation – we encourage cooperation with local government units, non-governmental organisations and institutions.       top

Zdrowie Człowiek Profilaktyka

Projekt Zdrowie Człowiek Profilaktyka od 10-ciu lat dostarcza gotowe rozwiązania dla samorządów, instytucji i pracodawców w obszarze zdrowia. Zachęcamy do zajrzenia na stronę i skorzystania z bezpłatnych narzędzi ułatwiających zaplanowanie, wdrożenie i ewaluację inicjatyw zdrowotnych. top


18th International EBHC Symposium 2023 Integrating evidence for enhanced outcomes
October 9-10, 2023 | hybrid format
en_GBEnglish (UK)