19th International EBHC Symposium
Shaping the future of sustainable healthcare
October 10-11, 2024 | Krakow, Poland
Live video from the 19th EBHC 2024 Symposium
Speakers & SPC Members

Artur Białoszewski | Poland

Małgorzata Czajkowska-Malinowska | Poland

Marcin Czech | Poland

Anaïs González Iglesias | Spain
Anaïs González Iglesias is a Business development consultant with extensive experience in Healthcare, particularly in Precision Medicine & Genomics. She holds a PhD in Computational Physics and is currently pursuing a PhD in Economics. Additionally, she holds a Master's degree in Health Economics and Pharma Economy, as well as a specialization in Bioinformatics, Genomics, and Molecular Biology.. Beyond her academic achievements, Anaïs actively contributes to the community as a mentor in several Acceleration Program and serves as an external evaluator for various EU-funded programs. top

Iñaki Gutiérrez-Ibarluzea | Spain (Basque Region)

Katarzyna Anna Kacperczyk | Poland

Jerzy Jaroszewicz | Poland

Martin Kolek | Czech Republic

Roman Kolek | Poland
Polish local government official, physician and activist of the German minority in Poland since 2010 to 2020, Deputy Marshal of the Opolskie Voivodeship. In the years 1999-2002, he was the director of the Department of Health and Social Policy of the Marshal’s Office of the Opolskie Voivodeship. In 2002, he was transferred to the position of Deputy Director for Medical Matters of the Regional Health Fund in Opole, and then took up a similar position in the Opole branch of the National Health Fund. He was also active in his community, participating in consultations regarding changes in the state health policy and the antibiotic therapy rationalisation programme. He was politically involved in the activity of the German minority in Poland within the Social and Cultural Association of Germans of Opole Silesia. In 2017, together with other German Minority members, he co-founded the “Regionalna. Mniejszość z Większością” (Regional. Minority with the Majority) party; in 2018 he became its deputy chairman. He taught classes at physician courses, as well as classes at the Pharmacoeconomics, Marketing and Pharmaceutical Law College at the Warsaw University of Technology. Roman Jacek Kolek has published scientific papers in the field of public health and health care finance, cost analyses of expenditure on health services provided to the insured, as well as lectures for physicians as part of training sessions and courses in public health and health insurance. He co-organised numerous conferences in the field of health policy and financing of health services, including the British-Polish Healthcare Forum, Polish-Ukrainian Healthcare Forum and the Polish-German Health Forum. He authored and co-authored numerous publications in the field of public health and financing of health services.
In 2020, during the pandemic, he resigned from the position of Deputy Marshal of the Opolskie Voivodeship, returned to the profession of an anesthesiologist, currently he is the Deputy Director of the Provincial Hospital for healthcare, he is the Quality Representative. top

Konrad Korbiński | Poland

Brygida Kwiatkowska | Poland

Maria Libura | Poland

Edyta Masłowska-Parafian | Poland
Deputy CFO and COO at Łukasiewicz Research Network – ITECH Institute of Innovation and Technology. MSc in management with 20 years of experience in financial management and in shaping and implementing entities' financial strategies. As an expert on European Funds, Edyta Masłowska-Parafian has been involved in public administration, as well as acquisition, disbursement, and settlement of EU projects since 2004. She played a key role in setting up the management and financing system for projects implemented under European Funds in the Ministry of Regional Development. She was also involved in the control of projects co-financed by the European Social Fund implemented by non-governmental institutions, entrepreneurs, as well as local government units or Offices. Moreover, she worked at the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, where she carried out over 200 on-site project inspections. Former Head of Selection and Monitoring Department of systemic projects implemented under the Human Capital Operational Programme, where she supervised the work related to acquisition, monitoring and settlement of projects implemented under the HCOP. She held the position of the Head of the Forecasting, Analysis and Monitoring Department at the Educational Research Institute which is tasked with the acquisition and implementation of projects co-financed by the EU Funds. What is more, she conducts specialised training courses on the acquisition of EU Funds as well as the management and control system for EU-funded projects, the use and settlement of EU Funds, including the system of financial flows and certification, the monitoring and reporting system, eligibility of expenditure, settlement of EU Funds. Author or co-author of a number of publications on the management and financing of EU Fund initiatives, as well as a number of procedures, management and control systems for those involved in the EU Funds implementation system. top

Joanna Parkitna | Poland
Joanna Parkitna - Director of the Health Technology Assessment Department, Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariff System. top

Marta Pawłowska | Poland

Janina Petelczyc | Poland

Elena Petelos | Netherlands
Elena Petelos is a Senior Research Fellow in Public Health and a Lecturer in Evidence-Based Medicine and Evidence-Informed Policy at the University of Crete (Greece) and at Maastricht University (The Netherlands). She also teaches at Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Germany) and is Adjunct Faculty at the newly founded University of West Attica (Greece). She has a background in medicine and biology, specialising in molecular oncology, and re-training mid-career in health economics and policy, continuing with a Fellowship in Governance and Economics of Development Technology and Innovation at the United Nations University - Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology. She currently also serves as the Vice President of the Health Technology Assessment section, a Member of the Steering Committee of the Law and Public Health Section, a Member of the Infectious Disease Control section, and the Chair of the Gender Equality Working Group (SDG5 WG) at the European Public Health Association. She is the Co-Chair for Real-World Evidence and Artificial Intelligence at HTAi, a Member of the Healthcare Professional’s Working Party of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and a Member of the Advisory Forum of the Health Emergency Preparedness and Response (HERA) of the European Commission. She is a Member of the Advisory Board of the European Forum for Primary Care leading the Vaccines WG and representing it in the European Network of Centres for Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance (ENCePP). She also serves in ENCEPP’s WG2 on Transparency and Independent Research. Her research, policy and advocacy work focuses on international collaboration, including regulatory frameworks and legislative frameworks, to improve global health and towards achieving digital equity and reaching UHC, with special emphasis on real-world evidence, benefit/risk communication, new technologies, and artificial intelligence. She is also a member of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law (KNVIR) and of the International Law Association (ILA). top

Maria Piętak-Frączek | Poland

Robert Plisko | Poland
Robert Plisko is CEO at HTA Consulting since 2006 and one of the company’s founders. He obtained his Master of Economics title at the Cracow University of Economics. His professional career started at the National Centre for Quality Assessment in Healthcare. Robert Plisko is the author of numerous publications on HTA and health care. He is head of the Economic Analyses Department at HTA Consulting. top

Marta Podhorecka | Poland

Tomasz Jan Prycel | Poland

Tomasz Rowiński | Poland

Jacek Siwiec | Poland
Sociologist – HTA expert – with more than 20 years of professional experience in public and private institutions related to health technology assessment (HTA/EBM), total quality management (TQM), clinical indicators, quality of life assessment, health insurance, and clinical research. He has held management positions in the CEESTAHC Association, WHC and Medicea Foundations, clinical research centres and numerous companies involved in broadly defined quality, ancillary insurance, and HTA. He currently holds the position of Director at the AOTMiT’s Branch Office in Cracow. He was the initiator and organiser of the International EBHC Symposium (2004-11) of the CEESTAHC Association, and of the conference series entitled “Innovations in Medicine” of the WHC Foundation. Jacek Siwiec is a manager, organiser, coach in trainings and several hundred training programmes in the field of EBM/EBHC/HTA/GCP, and an academic lecturer – at i.a. postgraduate studies in HTA at Institute of Public Health at Jagiellonian University Medical College (PRO-QUO HEALTH, HB-HTA). He has held advisory roles as, i.a., a member of the Ministry of Health’s Team for the Translation of Maps of Healthcare Needs, expert of the AOTMiT’s Tariffs Council, HTA coordinator of the Pointer project. Additionally, he is a member of teams and co-author of the Minister of Health’s “IOWISZ” tool. Jacek Siwiec is the co-author of HTA studies and expert consultations for Ministries of Health of the following Serbia (on behalf of the World Bank) and Ukraine. He has cooperated with various international institutions such as WHO (HEN), EUnetHTA, HTAi, World Bank and DG SANCO – member of the Expert Group on Health Systems Performance Assessment (HSPA), as well as Polish and foreign universities. Currently, he participates in several task forces and consulting teams, such as Voivodship Health Needs Mapping Teams, or in the work of the President of the Republic of Poland’s Working Group on 75 + Centres, as well as in the work of the Steering Committee for the Coordination of EFSI Interventions in the Health Sector. He has been an expert member, Polish representative for HTA methodology to the EU team – Coordination Group on Health Technology Assessment (CG-HTA), dealing with the commonality of HTA activities in the EU, since 2023. top

Aleksandra Sztuder | Poland

Tomasz Tatara | Poland

Joanna Turkiewicz | Poland

Ewa Warmińska-Friberg | Poland

Magdalena Władysiuk | Poland
President of CEESTAHC Society. Vice President of HTA Consulting.In HTA Consulting, she is responsible for the strategic development of the company through research and services development, new product launch and marketing. Ms. Wladysiuk main and primary aim is to provide high quality information or data based on evidence based medicine or health technology assessment methodology not only in Poland but in Europe and Asia. Key role of her work is to improve patient outcomes through better healthcare decisions.
In CEESTAHC she was responsible for the establishing and providing wide connection platform for discussion for all stakeholders in health care system. CEESTAHC mission is to improve the quality of health care systems value with the use of evidence.
She graduatd Medical Academy in Lublin and MBA, economy in Kozminski Academy in Warsaw.
She was Member of HTAi Annual Meeting in 2006-2008. top

Marek Wójcik | Poland