17. International EBHC Symposium 2022

Trust in Health Care
10-11 października 2022 | stacjonarnie + ONLINE

Trust is one of the cornerstones of health care. The Covid-19 pandemic reminded people of this fundamental truth quite spectacularly, both on an individual and the social level. According to the latest analyses, vaccines against the new coronavirus, introduced in record time, saved as many as 20 million people from death. This begs the question: how come not everyone eligible for the jab in highly developed countries, where citizens had access to subsequent, free-of-charge doses, took this opportunity? Most importantly, we should be looking for the answer in the broken chains of trust, which in some countries turned out to be weaker than the supply chains.

The importance of trust is not limited to crises and infectious diseases. While starting a treatment, each time patients literally entrust themselves to others, usually strangers. It is an important decision which is made based on one's confidence in the specialists undertaking the treatment, and also – which is equally important – on the trust that they are acting in good faith, and that the entire system is set up to help patients recover and ease their suffering.

The importance of trust is not limited to crises and infectious diseases. While starting a treatment, each time patients literally entrust themselves to others, usually strangers. It is an important decision which is made based on one's confidence in the specialists undertaking the treatment, and also – which is equally important – on the trust that they are acting in good faith, and that the entire system is set up to help patients recover and ease their suffering.

Edycja Sympozjum EBHC z 2021 roku poświęcona była lekcjom z pandemii. Kapitalne znaczenie zaufania dla sprawności systemów ochrony zdrowia jest chyba najważniejszą z nich. Program Sympozjum EBHC 2022 został zrealizowany w ciągu 2 dni w ramach następujących bloków tematycznych:


17. International EBHC Symposium 2022 Trust in Health Care
October 10-11, 2022 | hybrid format
17. International EBHC Symposium 2022 Trust in Health Care
October 10-11, 2022 | hybrid format
Stephen Campbell
Stephen Campbell
Michał Chodorek
Michał Chodorek
Kathrin Cresswell
Kathrin Cresswell
Brian Godman
Brian Godman
Krzysztof Jakubiak
Krzysztof Jakubiak
Tadeusz Jędrzejczyk
Tadeusz Jędrzejczyk
Rabia Kahveci
Rabia Kahveci
Ewa Kawiak-Jawor
Ewa Kawiak-Jawor
Roman Kolek
Roman Kolek
Brygida Kwiatkowska
Brygida Kwiatkowska
Miranda W. Langendam
Miranda W. Langendam
Maria Libura
Maria Libura
Krzysztof Łanda
Krzysztof Łanda
Adam Maciejczyk
Adam Maciejczyk
Monika Małowicka
Monika Małowicka
Maciej Miłkowski
Maciej Miłkowski
Sylvia Atisa Opanga
Sylvia Atisa Opanga
Mark Parker
Mark Parker
Maria Piętak-Frączek
Tomasz Jan Prycel
Tomasz Jan Prycel
Elizabeth A. Rider
Elizabeth A. Rider
Andrzej Ryś
Andrzej Ryś
Natalie Schellack
Natalie Schellack
Nabil Seyidov
Nabil Seyidov
Ewa Urban
Ewa Urban
Magdalena Władysiuk
Magdalena Władysiuk
Marek Wójcik
Marek Wójcik
Zachary Zalewski
Zachary Zalewski
Jan Zygmuntowski
Jan Zygmuntowski

Speakers & SPC Members

Stephen Campbell
Stephen Campbell (SPC)  |  UK
Professor Stephen Campbell is Chair in Primary Care Research at The University of Manchester and until recently Director of the National Institute for Health, Greater Manchester Patient Safety Translational Research Centre. He is a health services researcher with a particular interest in the quality and patient safety of primary care and across transitional care settings including social care, with a main focus on general/family practice. He has held research appointments as Professor at the University of Melbourne, University of Canberra and the Australian National University in Australia and at the University of Heidelberg in Germany. top
Michał Chodorek
Michał Chodorek  |  Poland
Michał Chodorek - Attorney-at-Law, specialist in the field of Life Sciences law (including pharmaceutical law, medical devices) as well as intellectual property law and personal data protection in the Healthcare and Life Sciences industries. Michał also advises clients on manufacturing and distribution of medicinal products, e-Health and m-Health projects, conducting clinical trials, development of medical devices (including medical device software), obtaining and using medical data - including for training neural networks, data reuse from participants in clinical trials, development and implementation of AI / ML tools supporting diagnostic and therapeutic decisions. He works for leading international pharmaceutical and medical companies operating in Poland and for many industry associations, including the INFARMA Employers' Union of Innovative Pharmaceutical Companies, an association of 25 most innovative pharmaceutical companies. Author of publications on the classification of software as a medical device, the use of AI in clinical trials and the process of research and development of drugs, processing of personal data in clinical trials, co-author of international publications on Digital Healthcare and protection of trade secrets. Michał Chodorek is a member of the Polish Association for Good Clinical Practice. It is recommended in the international legal ranking The Legal 500 EMEA 2022 in the field of Healthcare & life sciences and recognized as IP Star 2022 in the field of trademarks in the ranking on intellectual property law, conducted by Managing IP. top
Kathrin Cresswell
Kathrin Cresswell  | UK
Kathrin Cresswell (KC) is a social scientist with extensive experience of conducting formative evaluations of digitally enabled change and improvement programmes in healthcare. She has consulted for the World Health Organization, Harvard Medical School, NHS England and Improvement, and is a member of the RSE Young Academy of Scotland, has received the Yvonne Carter Award for Outstanding New Researcher, and has been an invited speaker at the European Parliament and Harvard Medical School. She has over 100 peer-reviewed publications in international academic journals and almost £30 million research grant funding. She is currently Senior Lecturer at the Usher Institute at The University of Edinburgh, Co -Director of External Engagement on an EPSRC Doctoral Training Centre for Biomedical Artificial Intelligence, and Module Lead on the NHS Digital Academy teaching over 400 national and international health information technology leaders about Technology Strategy and Health Information Systems Implementation. She is also the co-chair of the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) and European Federation of Medical Informatics Evaluation Working Groups, providing ready access to international networks. top
Brian Godman
Brian Godman (SPC) |  UK
Brian works with the World Health Organization, governments, health authorities and health insurance companies across continents including Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East, and South America to enhance prescribing efficiency within scarce resources. This includes potential ways to value and fund new medicines including those for cancer and orphan diseases incorporating suggested models to optimize their use post launch. This has resulted in multiple publications (over 150 listed in Pub Med since 2008) and presentations to address these key issues. top
Krzysztof Jakubiak
Krzysztof Jakubiak |  Poland

Założyciel i prezes zarządu Modern Healthcare Institute, redaktor naczelny portalu mZdrowie.pl oraz magazynu “Obserwacje MHI”. Wcześniej m.in. rzecznik prasowy Ministerstwa Zdrowia oraz Ministerstwa Finansów, redaktor naczelny “Pulsu Medycyny” i “Pulsu Farmacji”, menedżer odpowiedzialny za komunikację i PR m.in. w Polpharma, Coca-Cola, Henkel, Lafarge. Absolwent Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (Wydział Polonistyki), University of Wisconsin (zarządzanie), Wyższej Szkoły Zarządzania – Thames Valley University. top

Tadeusz Jędrzejczyk
Tadeusz Jędrzejczyk  |  Poland

Tadeusz Jędrzejczyk, Graduate of the Medical Faculty of the Medical Academy in Gdańsk (nowadays known as the Medical University of Gdańsk). Specialist in Public Health. He has a PhD in medical sciences and holds the position of assistant professor in the Department of Public Health and Social Medicine. Author of several dozen articles on public health concerning, in particular, the field of management and organisation of health care, economic aspects and epidemiology. Councilor of the City of Gdańsk (1994-1998) and chairman of the City Commission for Solving Alcohol Problems (1997-2001). Deputy Healthcare Director at the University Clinical Centre in Gdańsk (2010-2014), Deputy Director and then Director of the Pomeranian Branch of the National Health Fund (2008-2009 and then 2013/14); President of the National Health Fund between June 2014 and March 2016. Currently, he is the Director of the Health Department of the Pomeranian Voivodeship Marshal's Office. top

Rabia Kahveci
Rabia Kahveci |  Ukraine
Rabia Kahveci is the Vice President of the HTAi, and Senior Technical Advisor for Pharmaceutical Policy and Governance in the SAFEMed project, in Kyiv Ukraine. SAFEMed project is a USAID funded and MSH led project that supports Ukrainian government. SAFEMed applies health system strengthening best practices to create evidence-based interventions and strengthen Ukraine’s pharmaceutical system. Her area of responsibility is to support priority setting and HTA, including and beyond capacity building and HTA institutionalization in Ukraine, as well as supporting pricing and reimbursement policies for health technologies. Besides her full time work at SAFEMed, she has been an active member of the HTAi for many years and served in the Board of Directors twice before being elected as the VP. During these years she chaired Annual Meeting Committee; co-chaired International Scientific Program Committee of HTAi Annual Meeting in Rome (2017); chaired Developing Countries Interest Group, co-chaired Medical Devices Interest Group; chaired the Organizing Committee of HTAi Regional Meeting hosted by Ukraine, in September 2020. She also chairs the Eurasian HTA Initiative that has members from 9 countries from Balkans and Central Asia. She acted as the President of the Turkish Evidence-Based Medicine Society for eight years. Prior to her position with SAFEMed, she was the director of a hospital-based HTA center in Turkey (ANHTA) that covered HTA, innovation for medical devices, and real-world evidence. She was a professor of family medicine in the same hospital. She contributed to several national and international projects around HTA, including EUnetHTA and AdHopHTA. ANHTA showed an impact of 2.5 million euros savings in 3 years, and stood as an outstanding example for HB-HTA at the global level. She served as the national clinical quality coordinator of the Turkish Ministry of Health in 2017, where she coordinated all activities involving HTA, clinical guidelines and quality. Prior to ANHTA, she served as a member of the Pharmaceuticals Reimbursement Committee of the Turkish Social Security Institution during the transition to universal health coverage and was a co-author of the reimbursement guidelines. She worked in the Turkish Medicines Agency on pricing and reimbursement of pharmaceuticals and led the HTA work of the Agency. Being an academic and medical doctor by background, with a degree in HTA, Prof. Kahveci authored over 150 peer-reviewed articles, 8 books and delivered over 300 presentations in international meetings on HTA. top
Ewa Kawiak-Jawor
Ewa Kawiak-Jawor |  Poland
Ewa Kawiak-Jawor graduated in sociology at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin. She obtained a PhD in health sciences at the Medical University in Lublin. She is also a practitioner specialising in qualitative and quantitative data analyses and new technologies in medicine and public health. Her scientific interests are focused mainly on e-health and m-health. Ewa Kawiak-Jawor is also a consultant in the field of healthcare organisation in international research projects. As a specialist in biostatistics, she supports the work of numerous research teams. She is an educator in the field of statistics and public health. top
Roman Kolek
Roman Kolek  |  Poland
Polish local government official, physician and activist of the German minority in Poland since 2010, Deputy Marshal of the Opolskie Voivodeship. In the years 1999-2002, he was the director of the Department of Health and Social Policy of the Marshal’s Office of the Opolskie Voivodeship. In 2002, he was transferred to the position of Deputy Director for Medical Matters of the Regional Health Fund in Opole, and then took up a similar position in the Opole branch of the National Health Fund. He was also active in his community, participating in consultations regarding changes in the state health policy and the antibiotic therapy rationalisation programme. He was politically involved in the activity of the German minority in Poland within the Social and Cultural Association of Germans of Opole Silesia. In 2002, 2014 and 2018, he was elected councillor for the Opole Regional Council for the second, fifth and sixth term of office. In the Regional Council, he was the head of the councillor club of the German Minority. In 2015, he unsuccessfully ran for the Sejm from the second place on the German Minority list (winning 3,395 votes), and for the Senate in 2019, reaching the third place in his district. In 2010, he took the office of Deputy Marshal of the Opolskie Voivodeship; he remained in office after the 2014 and 2018 elections. In 2017, together with other German Minority members, he co-founded the “Regionalna. Mniejszość z Większością” (Regional. Minority with the Majority) party; in 2018 he became its deputy chairman. He taught classes at physician courses, as well as classes at the Pharmacoeconomics, Marketing and Pharmaceutical Law College at the Warsaw University of Technology. Roman Jacek Kolek has published scientific papers in the field of public health and health care finance, cost analyses of expenditure on health services provided to the insured, as well as lectures for physicians as part of training sessions and courses in public health and health insurance. He co-organised numerous conferences in the field of health policy and financing of health services, including the British-Polish Healthcare Forum, Polish-Ukrainian Healthcare Forum and the Polish-German Health Forum. He authored and co-authored numerous publications in the field of public health and financing of health services. He is a member of a working group at the Polish Employer’s Association for the development of directions of changes in the state health policy under the “Academy of Health 2013” initiative. top
Brygida Kwiatkowska
Brygida Kwiatkowska  |  Poland

Professor Brygida Kwiatkowska is a rheumatologist; she was acting Clinical Affairs Director of the National Geriatrics, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation Institute (NIGRiR) in Warsaw since February 2013 and Deputy Clinical Affairs Director since 2018. In 2009, Prof. Kwiatkowska became acting Head of the Department of Early Arthritis Diagnosis of the Rheumatology Institute. She has been the Head of the Clinic of Early Arthritis as an Associate Professor in 2012. Moreover, she has been a member of the Scientific Council of the Rheumatology Institute for 14 years. In the years 2015-2017, she was the President of the NIGRiR Scientific Council. President of the National Rheumatology Council, she worked as the President of the Warsaw Division of the Polish Society for Rheumatology for 7 years; currently she is the Deputy President. Professor Brygida Kwiatkowska has been the National Consultant in the field of rheumatology since May 2021. She is also the President of the Polish Society of Autoimmune Diseases. Her research interests include diagnostics and treatment of rheumatic diseases. She conducts her work multidirectionally, by expanding the knowledge from other fields of medicine related to rheumatic diseases. Prof. Kwiatkowska promotes the use of new diagnostic techniques for diagnosing rheumatic diseases; she introduces state-of-the-art therapeutic methods. Her scientific contribution includes 52 publications. She is the lead author of most of them, meaning she is the key person responsible for the subject concept, processing of the results and preparation for print. top

Miranda W. Langendam
Miranda W. Langendam   |  Netherlands

Dr Miranda Langendam is an epidemiologist with a background in health sciences and a keen interest in evidence-based health care. After her PhD in infectious diseases epidemiology she worked as senior researcher at the Dutch National Health Care Institute and senior staff member of Cochrane Netherlands. Currently she is an assistant professor and principle investigator at the department of Epidemiology and Data Science of the Amsterdam Medical Centers (University of Amsterdam). The focus of her research and teaching is evidence synthesis methodology, in particular guideline development and implementation. Her research line covers a broad spectrum of projects: from developing core outcome sets and risk of bias instruments to evaluation of guideline implementation and development of methodological frameworks. As methodologist she contributed to numerous guidelines on a variety of topics, for example for WHO and the European Commission. She is a board member of the GRADE working group, co-chair of the Dutch GRADE network and an active member of GIN and Cochrane.

Her mission is to improve quality of care by developing, evaluating and implementing guideline methods with the aim to establish high quality and impactful guidelines. top

Maria Libura
Maria Libura (SPC)  |  Poland
Head of Medical Training and Simulation Centre, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, vice-President of The Polish Society for Medical Communication, healthcare expert of the Jagiellonian Club Analytical Centre, President of Polish Prader–Willi Syndrome Association. Member of the Expert Board to the Patients Ombudsman.  top
Krzysztof Łanda
Krzysztof Łanda  |  Poland
Krzysztof Łanda, M.D., the President of MedInvest Scanner Ltd., a company dealing with market access, pricing and reimbursement, due diligence and evaluation of innovativeness of health technologies. He used to work for DBSE and was a member of the international Dentons Pharmaceutical Law and Health Care team. Krzysztof was Deputy Minister of Health in 2015-2017 and was responsible for drug policy, reimbursement and prices of medical devices, mapping of health needs, investments in health care, prices of health services and the basic benefits package. Krzysztof was previously the CEO of HTA Audit, a company dealing with the quality assessment of HTA reports addressed to authorities and public institutions and the President of the Watch Health Care Foundation. In 2010-2011 he was President of the Central & Eastern European Society of Technology Assessment in Health Care. In 2006-2007 was a Director of the Drug Policy Department in the Central Office of the National Health Fund. In 2004 Krzysztof was elected to the Board of Directors of Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi) where he remained until mid-2007. In 2010-2012 Krzysztof led capacity building in HTA in Ukraine, and in 2006-2008 in Serbia. He was a team leader of a World Bank project aimed at introducing EBHC principles in Serbia. top
Adam Maciejczyk
Adam Maciejczyk  |  Poland

Oncologist, specialist in oncological radiotherapy and director of the Lower Silesian Oncology Centre, head of the Radiotherapy Clinical of the Wrocław Medical University, chairman of the National Oncology Council at the Ministry of Health, and president of the National Association of Public Centres and Oncological Institutes. He specialises in childhood cancer treatment. He is a member of the Main Board of the Polish Society of Oncological Radiotherapy (PTRO), as well as the coordinator of the Paediatric Radiotherapy Section in the Polish Paediatric Group for Solid Tumours. Doctor Maciejczyk is also a member of the Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO) and the Paediatric Radiation Oncology Society (PROS). He is a member of the National Council for Oncology on behalf of the Polish Oncological Society, the Scientific Council of the Oncology Centre at the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Institute in Warsaw and the Transparency Council of the Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariffs. In 2019, he was appointed by the Minister of Health to participate in the work of the National Oncological Strategy Development Team. He is also an academic teacher. In 2019, he co-authored many papers and summaries, including, among others, publications like “The effect of YAP expression in tumor cells and tumor stroma on the prognosis of patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity floor and oral surface of the tongue” or „The effect of the population-based cervical cancer screening program on 5-year survival in cervical cancer patients in Lower Silesia”. top top

Monika Małowicka
Monika Małowicka   |  Poland
Specjalistka w zakresie EBM. Od 8-lat związana z Działem Analiz Klinicznych firmy HTA Consulting z Krakowa – obecnie jako Lead Project Manager, co zapewnia wielokierunkowość i pozwala na szeroki horyzont działań. Wykładowca CEESTAHC. Współautorka licznych opracowań HTA i raportów dotyczących aktualnych rozwiązań systemowych w służbie zdrowia w Polsce i Europie. Absolwentka biologii molekularnej na Uniwersytecie im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu oraz studiów podyplomowych z zakresu marketingu farmaceutycznego (Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny) i metodologii, organizacji i zarządzania w badaniach klinicznych (Uniwersytet Jagielloński). Prywatnie, pełna energii i optymistycznie nastawiona do życia miłośniczka psów. Spacery, podróże (nawet te palcem po mapie) i dobre jedzenie wprawiają ją w dobry nastrój i relaksują. Podobno też sama całkiem nieźle gotuje. Pcha ją do przodu otwartość i ciekawość świata, ludzi, rzeczy. Swój azyl i miejsce na oddech odnalazła jednak przeprowadzając się z miejskiego zgiełku do domu na wsi ukrytego za szpalerem drzew. top
Maciej Miłkowski
Maciej Miłkowski |  Poland
Manager, graduated from the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH), as well as from the MBA studies at the Leon Kozminski Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management in Warsaw – Management and Economics of Medical Technologies. His first professional experience was in investment banking at Polski Bank Inwestycyjny (Polish Investment Bank). Since the beginning, i.e. since April 1998, Maciej Miłkowski was co-organising Mazowiecka Regionalna Kasa Chorych (the Mazovian Regional Health Care Fund) and became its first member of the management board for economic and administrative affairs, as well as its CFO. For 3 years, starting from 2002, he was head of a non-public health care institution of the European Rehabilitation Clinic VICTORIA. In the years 2005-2007 he worked in the Institute of Mother and Child as the representative of the director for financial and accounting affairs and as the deputy director for economic affairs. Between June 2007 and January 2016 Maciej Miłkowski worked as the deputy director for economic affairs of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński Institute of Cardiology in Warsaw. In 15 January 2016 he was appointed the Deputy President of the National Health Fund for Financial Affairs. He has been the Under-Secretary of State at the Ministry of Health since 2018. top
Sylvia Atisa Opanga
Sylvia Atisa Opanga  |  Kenya
Sylvia Opanga is Clinical Pharmacist and a Senior Lecturer at the University of Nairobi’s School of Pharmacy. She holds a PhD in Clinical Pharmacy from the University of Nairobi. Her main areas of interest are Surgical, Cardiovascular and Infectious disease pharmacotherapy in which she has published extensively. She is currently guest editor for the Vaccines journal Special Issue 2022. She holds a fellowship in Implementation Science from the University of Washington, Seattle. She is also interested in evidence based research and clinical practice, and has worked on several systematic reviews and meta-analyses that have impacted policy, mostly on antibiotic use in Kenya is a member of the Ministry of health antimicrobial stewardship technical working group.Sylvia is dedicated to ensuring patient safety through proper medication use and use of big data in improving patient safety in Kenya and Africa as a whole. In this regard, she is the founding East African Lead for the International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology (ISPE) and the Medicines Research and Utilisation Group in Africa (MURIA). Sylvia has won two grants- the Newton Grant (2017-2019) and the Fleming Fund Kenya Grant on AMR Surveillance (2019-2021), both of which have done extensive work in curbing antimicrobial resistance. In March 2021, she was awarded a grant to attend the Uppsala Health Summit that focused on behaviour change to combat antimicrobial resistance. She has subsequently won the Institut Merieux Young Investigator Award for her work in COVID 19 and implementing the National Action Plan on antimicrobial resistance in Kenya. Her innovation in diabetes care won the best innovation at the Nairobi Innovation Week in 2022.  top
Mark Parker
Mark Parker | Serbia
Mark Parker is director at ZEM Solutions with more than 20 years experience in international health economics projects and health technology assessment. He is Health Economic modeller (University of Liverpool, University of York, UK) and Health Economics Consultant. Primarily involved in leading the development of care pathways, economic models and their evidence basis for use in global value dossiers, international HTA submissions, and national projects such as DRG development, patient registries and their analysis. Further specialising in the challenges of the CEE region and healthcare development. Mark has experience in a wide range of disease areas and population modelling, he is working with industry, NGOs and governmental institutions to deliver a strong educational background in economics, software development, distributed systems and computation, Artificial Intelligence (1st, BSc Economics and Computer Science, UoL). top
Maria Piętak-Frączek
Maria Piętak-Frączek  |  Poland

She has been working at the Cracow City Hall for 20 years, since 1999. She graduated from the Nursing Institute at the Faculty of Healthcare of the Jagiellonian University Medical College. In 1997, she completed post-graduate studies in Health Promotion at the Institute of Public Health of the Jagiellonian University. In 2012, she completed post-graduate studies in Economy and Public Administration at the Małopolska School of Public Administration of the Cracow University of Economics. In 2019, she completed post-graduate studies in HTA and EBM in Healthcare Management as part of the “Development of administrative and management competences for quality improvement in healthcare” project organised by the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Jagiellonian University. From the beginning of her work, she has been developing the principles of the “Healthy Cracow” Municipal Healthcare Programme, organising conferences, trainings and outdoor health-related events, including the “Cracow Health Days”. She cooperates with numerous regional and national healthcare-related institutions. She is also a representative of the City of Cracow in the Association of Healthy Polish Cities and the President of the Management Board of the Association. As part of this activity, among others, she organises meetings for member cities which address significant issues regarding healthcare and prevention. Healthcare manager - completed postgraduate studies in 2022: Healthcare management.  top

Tomasz Jan Prycel
Tomasz Jan Prycel  |  Poland
Managing Director of CEESTAHC. Graduate of the Faculty of Medicine of the Medical University in Łódź and Postgraduate  Health Care Management Studies in the Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine. Expert in ​​cooperation and creation of health projects with local government units, with many years of experience in creating an educational platform for developing high-quality health programmes in important areas of public health. President of the European Foundation for Solving Health Problems (Europejska Fundacja Rozwiązywania Problemów Zdrowotnych). Co-creator of the “Zdrowie/Człowiek/Profilaktyka” educational programme, aimed at local governments and employers. Initiator of www.dobreprogramyzdrowotne.pl, a website containing a Health Programme Creator and educational materials for creators of health policy programmes. top
Elizabeth A. Rider
Elizabeth A. Rider  |  USA
Elizabeth A. Rider, MSW, MD is a pediatrician and medical educator; leader of the Transforming Healthcare Relationships: Values, Learning Environments, and Organizational Culture project; and founder and Director, Boston Children’s Hospital / Harvard Medical School Faculty Fellowships in Humanism/ Professionalism, and Interprofessional Leadership. On the faculty of Harvard Medical School and the Harvard Macy Institute, she directs the international course Difficult Conversations in Healthcare. She served as Director of Academic Programs for the former Institute for Professionalism and Ethical Practice (2007-2020). Dr. Rider is a senior fellow and former Chair of the Medicine Academy of the National Academies of Practice. She is a founder of the International Consortium for Communication in Healthcare (IC4CH) and leads the International Charter for Human Values in Healthcare initiative, an interprofessional collaborative effort to restore attention to core values and skilled communication in healthcare. She also serves as an Associate Editor for Patient Education and Counseling. Dr. Rider has been recognized internationally for her work and has been an invited speaker / consultant in 10 countries. Her current research includes relational learning, values, communication skills, professionalism, medical /interprofessional education, as well as national collaborative studies to identify promoters /barriers to humanistic practice and education, and humanistic leadership and organizational culture change to mitigate burnout and enhance wellbeing. top
Andrzej Ryś
Andrzej Ryś  |  Poland
Polish physician; he was Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Health in the years 1999–2001 and has been a Director in the European Commission since 2006; on 1 October 2022 he was appointed Principal Scientific Advisor in DG Sante. He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the Medical University of Nicolaus Copernicus in Cracow. Between 1990 and 1997, Andrzej Ryś created and was the Principal of the Institute of Public Health of the Jagiellonian University Medical College. In the years 1997 and 1999 he was Head of the Cracow City’s Health Department. He was Deputy Minister between 24 June 1999 and 22 October 2001 at a time when Jerzy Buzek was Prime Minister. His focus was on international cooperation and Poland’s integration with the EU, reforming emergency medical services and training in medical professions. Andrzej Ryś was a member of the Negotiation Team led by Jan Kułakowski, where he was responsible i.a. for harmonisation of the Polish law and EU regulations. In late 2002 he founded the Centre for Innovation, Technology Transfer and University Development” (CITTRU) at the Jagiellonian University, where he was Director until 2006. In the years 2004-2005, he was also the director for strategy at Diagnostyka and in 2005 and 2006 he was the managing director of the National Association of Private Health Care Employers. On 1 June 2006 he assumed the position of director at the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANCO), responsible for public health affairs, and later for health systems, medical products and innovation. He was also a consultant to the World Health Organization and the World Bank. top
Natalie Schellack
Natalie Schellack   |  South Africa
Natalie Schellack jest zarejestrowaną farmaceutką, profesorem, ponadto aktualnie pełni funkcję Kierownik Wydziału Farmakologii na Uniwersytecie w Pretorii. Profesor Schellack zdobyła trzy tytuły naukowe: dwa tytuły licencjata (pielęgniarstwo i farmacja) oraz tytuł doktora farmacji. Poza uniwersytetem, profesor Schellack zasiada w Południowoafrykańskiej Radzie Aptekarskiej (jako mianowany członek rady) oraz w Ministerialnym Komitecie Doradczym ds. Odporności na Drobnoustroje (MAC-AMR). Jej zainteresowania badawcze skupiają się na szeroko rozumianej farmacji klinicznej związanej z pediatrią, ototoksycznością oraz chorobami zakaźnymi (w tym, między innymi, gruźlicą lub HIV). W bardziej szczegółowym ujęciu, jej zainteresowania obejmują dane dotyczące wykorzystania kwantyfikacji drobnoustrojów, farmakokinetyczne oraz dynamiczne poziomy antybiotyków we krwi. Obecnie jej obszar badawczy skupia się w większym stopniuj na znajdywaniu innowacyjnych sposobów pomiaru wykorzystania drobnoustrojów przy użyciu technologii medycznych. Profesor Schellack jest współzałożycielką Południowoafrykańskiego Towarzystwa Farmacji Klinicznej (SASOCP). W 2018 roku została nominowana w plebiscycie “Woman of stature” w RPA na kobietę roku w kategorii opieki zdrowotnej. Profesor Schellack ma ocenę C2 przyznaną, przez Narodową Fundację Badań Naukowych (NRF). Ponadto, Profesor Schellack jest czwartym nominowanym członkiem Południowoafrykańskiego Programu Zarządzania Środkami Przeciwdrobnoustrojowymi (SAASP). top
Nabil Seyidov
Nabil Seyidov |  Azerbaijan
Dr Nabil Seyidov has been working as a physician with specialisation in internal medicine and cardiovascular diseases for over 15 years. Since 2014 he has been actively involved in promotion and developments of public health system in Azerbaijan with specific interests in primary health care, health economics, palliative and hospice services, neonatal care, e-health and medical training and education. As a head of health policy and planning department of Public Health and Reforms Center of Ministry of Health, Dr. Seyidov has been an initiator and coordinator of many projects as well as co-investigator of several research studies including COSI, HBSC and COVID19 Vaccine effectiveness among healthcare workers. He was also co-investigator in the cross-sectional national study on trust in healthcare system. He is an author and co-author of over 50 training manuals, books and guidelines and 15 scientific articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals. He is also an editor-in-chief of Eurasian Journal of Clinical Sciences. top
Ewa Urban
Ewa Urban  |  Poland
Ewa Urban, MD, has worked in the National Institute of Public Health PZH – National Research Institute, in the Department of Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention as Senior Technology Research Specialist, and she has been acting Head of that Department since 2018. Moreover, she is a lecturer at the Postgraduate Medical Education Centre and at the College of Rehabilitation in Warsaw. Ewa Urban is the co-author of scholarly articles in the field of public health and health promotion. She took part in numerous projects, incl. ProfiBaza — digital sharing of public information about the people’s health-related situation and implementation of health programmes addressing disease prevention and health promotion in Poland; Priority on NCD: Increased access to interventions to prevent and manage noncommunicable diseases and their risk factors; Development of an innovative set of indices in the public health area, tailored for the Polish healthcare system; Local partnerships benefiting residents; Assessment of necessary public health actions taken in Poland (EPHOs). top
Magdalena Władysiuk
Magdalena Władysiuk  |  Poland

President of CEESTAHC Society. Vice President of HTA Consulting.In HTA Consulting, she is responsible for the strategic development of the company through research and services development, new product launch and marketing. Ms. Wladysiuk main and primary aim is to provide high quality information or data based on evidence based medicine or health technology assessment methodology not only in Poland but in Europe and Asia. Key role of her work is to improve patient outcomes through better healthcare decisions.
In CEESTAHC she was responsible for the establishing and providing wide connection platform for discussion for all stakeholders in health care system. CEESTAHC mission is to improve the quality of health care systems value with the use of evidence.
She graduatd Medical Academy in Lublin and MBA, economy in Kozminski Academy in Warsaw.
She was Member of HTAi Annual Meeting in 2006-2008. top

Marek Wójcik
Marek Wójcik  |  Poland
Marek Wójcik, healthcare expert at the Association of Polish Cities, Deputy Minister of Administration and Digitisation in the years 2014-2015, long-term participant of legislative works in the Polish Sejm and Senate; member of the health and social policy team of the Joint Commission of the Government and Local Governments and participant in the work of the Council for Social Dialogue. Since 2004, he has served three terms as chairman of the Council of the Małopolskie Regional Branch of the National Health Fund, an expert to the Minister of Health for restructuring healthcare facilities and ownership transformations (2009-2011), member of the Council for Public Health and of the Scientific Council of the National Influenza Control Programme. He supervises the activities of medical entities subordinate to the Sądecka Municipal Public Services Zone (pilot project), and the Nowy Sącz poviat. Author of publications on public health and health programmes created by local governments. In his didactic activity, he collaborates i.a. with the Cracow University of Economics, Lazarski University in Warsaw, Warsaw School of Economics, Medical University of Łódź, WSB – National Louis University in Nowy Sącz, and University of Business and Entrepreneurship in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski. top
Zachary Zalewski
Zachary Zalewski   |  USA
Zachary Zalewski, PhD, JD is a US regulatory and market access expert trained in biological science and law. Zach currently serves as an Enterprise Strategy Director at the US Pharmacopeia; previously, Zach was a Consultant at Avalere Health, a life sciences advisory firm located in Washington, DC. Zach brings a holistic perspective to healthcare innovation, bridging the gap between science, data, law, and policy. Zach has a JD from Case Western Reserve University with a health law concentration, a PhD in molecular and human genetics from Baylor College of Medicine, and a dual major BS in microbiology and history from Michigan State University. top
Jan Zygmuntowski
Jan Zygmuntowski   |  Poland
Economist and social entrepreneur interested in complex systems, political economy of technology and digital economy. Co-President of the Polish Network of Economics and Program Director at CoopTech Hub, first Polish center for platform co-ops. PhD candidate at Kozminski University and lecturer at Management and AI in Digital Society program. Founder and 2015-2020 Chairman of the Board at Instrat, a progressive policy think-tank. He gained experience i.a. in the Polish Development Fund. Graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics, fellow of G20 Global Solutions, British Council, Møller Institute, Open Future Foundation & FEPS. Author of “Network Capitalism” (“Kapitalizm Sieci”), nominated to “Economicus 2020” prize. DigitalEU Ambassador. top

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