17. International EBHC Symposium 2022
Trust in Health Care
10-11 października 2022 | stacjonarnie + ONLINE
Trust is one of the cornerstones of health care. The Covid-19 pandemic reminded people of this fundamental truth quite spectacularly, both on an individual and the social level. According to the latest analyses, vaccines against the new coronavirus, introduced in record time, saved as many as 20 million people from death. This begs the question: how come not everyone eligible for the jab in highly developed countries, where citizens had access to subsequent, free-of-charge doses, took this opportunity? Most importantly, we should be looking for the answer in the broken chains of trust, which in some countries turned out to be weaker than the supply chains.
The importance of trust is not limited to crises and infectious diseases. While starting a treatment, each time patients literally entrust themselves to others, usually strangers. It is an important decision which is made based on one's confidence in the specialists undertaking the treatment, and also – which is equally important – on the trust that they are acting in good faith, and that the entire system is set up to help patients recover and ease their suffering.
The importance of trust is not limited to crises and infectious diseases. While starting a treatment, each time patients literally entrust themselves to others, usually strangers. It is an important decision which is made based on one's confidence in the specialists undertaking the treatment, and also – which is equally important – on the trust that they are acting in good faith, and that the entire system is set up to help patients recover and ease their suffering.
Edycja Sympozjum EBHC z 2021 roku poświęcona była lekcjom z pandemii. Kapitalne znaczenie zaufania dla sprawności systemów ochrony zdrowia jest chyba najważniejszą z nich. Program Sympozjum EBHC 2022 został zrealizowany w ciągu 2 dni w ramach następujących bloków tematycznych:
- Session 1: Opening of the Symposium
- Session 2: Trust in drug policy translating to efficacious treatment - sine qua non conditione confido est.
- Session 3: Innovations in health care
- Session 4: Patient - driven digital healthcare systems
- Session 5: Building trust in the health care. Battle for minds
- Session 6: Local Government Academy
- Session 7: Patient empowerment or new paternalism?
17. International EBHC Symposium 2022
Trust in Health Care
October 10-11, 2022 | hybrid format

Stephen Campbell (SPC) | UK

Michał Chodorek | Poland

Kathrin Cresswell | UK

Brian Godman (SPC) | UK

Krzysztof Jakubiak | Poland
Założyciel i prezes zarządu Modern Healthcare Institute, redaktor naczelny portalu mZdrowie.pl oraz magazynu “Obserwacje MHI”. Wcześniej m.in. rzecznik prasowy Ministerstwa Zdrowia oraz Ministerstwa Finansów, redaktor naczelny “Pulsu Medycyny” i “Pulsu Farmacji”, menedżer odpowiedzialny za komunikację i PR m.in. w Polpharma, Coca-Cola, Henkel, Lafarge. Absolwent Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (Wydział Polonistyki), University of Wisconsin (zarządzanie), Wyższej Szkoły Zarządzania – Thames Valley University. top

Tadeusz Jędrzejczyk | Poland
Tadeusz Jędrzejczyk, Graduate of the Medical Faculty of the Medical Academy in Gdańsk (nowadays known as the Medical University of Gdańsk). Specialist in Public Health. He has a PhD in medical sciences and holds the position of assistant professor in the Department of Public Health and Social Medicine. Author of several dozen articles on public health concerning, in particular, the field of management and organisation of health care, economic aspects and epidemiology. Councilor of the City of Gdańsk (1994-1998) and chairman of the City Commission for Solving Alcohol Problems (1997-2001). Deputy Healthcare Director at the University Clinical Centre in Gdańsk (2010-2014), Deputy Director and then Director of the Pomeranian Branch of the National Health Fund (2008-2009 and then 2013/14); President of the National Health Fund between June 2014 and March 2016. Currently, he is the Director of the Health Department of the Pomeranian Voivodeship Marshal's Office. top

Rabia Kahveci | Ukraine

Ewa Kawiak-Jawor | Poland

Roman Kolek | Poland

Brygida Kwiatkowska | Poland
Professor Brygida Kwiatkowska is a rheumatologist; she was acting Clinical Affairs Director of the National Geriatrics, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation Institute (NIGRiR) in Warsaw since February 2013 and Deputy Clinical Affairs Director since 2018. In 2009, Prof. Kwiatkowska became acting Head of the Department of Early Arthritis Diagnosis of the Rheumatology Institute. She has been the Head of the Clinic of Early Arthritis as an Associate Professor in 2012. Moreover, she has been a member of the Scientific Council of the Rheumatology Institute for 14 years. In the years 2015-2017, she was the President of the NIGRiR Scientific Council. President of the National Rheumatology Council, she worked as the President of the Warsaw Division of the Polish Society for Rheumatology for 7 years; currently she is the Deputy President. Professor Brygida Kwiatkowska has been the National Consultant in the field of rheumatology since May 2021. She is also the President of the Polish Society of Autoimmune Diseases. Her research interests include diagnostics and treatment of rheumatic diseases. She conducts her work multidirectionally, by expanding the knowledge from other fields of medicine related to rheumatic diseases. Prof. Kwiatkowska promotes the use of new diagnostic techniques for diagnosing rheumatic diseases; she introduces state-of-the-art therapeutic methods. Her scientific contribution includes 52 publications. She is the lead author of most of them, meaning she is the key person responsible for the subject concept, processing of the results and preparation for print. top

Miranda W. Langendam | Netherlands
Dr Miranda Langendam is an epidemiologist with a background in health sciences and a keen interest in evidence-based health care. After her PhD in infectious diseases epidemiology she worked as senior researcher at the Dutch National Health Care Institute and senior staff member of Cochrane Netherlands. Currently she is an assistant professor and principle investigator at the department of Epidemiology and Data Science of the Amsterdam Medical Centers (University of Amsterdam). The focus of her research and teaching is evidence synthesis methodology, in particular guideline development and implementation. Her research line covers a broad spectrum of projects: from developing core outcome sets and risk of bias instruments to evaluation of guideline implementation and development of methodological frameworks. As methodologist she contributed to numerous guidelines on a variety of topics, for example for WHO and the European Commission. She is a board member of the GRADE working group, co-chair of the Dutch GRADE network and an active member of GIN and Cochrane.
Her mission is to improve quality of care by developing, evaluating and implementing guideline methods with the aim to establish high quality and impactful guidelines. top

Maria Libura (SPC) | Poland

Krzysztof Łanda | Poland

Adam Maciejczyk | Poland
Oncologist, specialist in oncological radiotherapy and director of the Lower Silesian Oncology Centre, head of the Radiotherapy Clinical of the Wrocław Medical University, chairman of the National Oncology Council at the Ministry of Health, and president of the National Association of Public Centres and Oncological Institutes. He specialises in childhood cancer treatment. He is a member of the Main Board of the Polish Society of Oncological Radiotherapy (PTRO), as well as the coordinator of the Paediatric Radiotherapy Section in the Polish Paediatric Group for Solid Tumours. Doctor Maciejczyk is also a member of the Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO) and the Paediatric Radiation Oncology Society (PROS). He is a member of the National Council for Oncology on behalf of the Polish Oncological Society, the Scientific Council of the Oncology Centre at the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Institute in Warsaw and the Transparency Council of the Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariffs. In 2019, he was appointed by the Minister of Health to participate in the work of the National Oncological Strategy Development Team. He is also an academic teacher. In 2019, he co-authored many papers and summaries, including, among others, publications like “The effect of YAP expression in tumor cells and tumor stroma on the prognosis of patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity floor and oral surface of the tongue” or „The effect of the population-based cervical cancer screening program on 5-year survival in cervical cancer patients in Lower Silesia”. top top

Monika Małowicka | Poland

Maciej Miłkowski | Poland

Sylvia Atisa Opanga | Kenya

Mark Parker | Serbia

Maria Piętak-Frączek | Poland
She has been working at the Cracow City Hall for 20 years, since 1999. She graduated from the Nursing Institute at the Faculty of Healthcare of the Jagiellonian University Medical College. In 1997, she completed post-graduate studies in Health Promotion at the Institute of Public Health of the Jagiellonian University. In 2012, she completed post-graduate studies in Economy and Public Administration at the Małopolska School of Public Administration of the Cracow University of Economics. In 2019, she completed post-graduate studies in HTA and EBM in Healthcare Management as part of the “Development of administrative and management competences for quality improvement in healthcare” project organised by the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Jagiellonian University. From the beginning of her work, she has been developing the principles of the “Healthy Cracow” Municipal Healthcare Programme, organising conferences, trainings and outdoor health-related events, including the “Cracow Health Days”. She cooperates with numerous regional and national healthcare-related institutions. She is also a representative of the City of Cracow in the Association of Healthy Polish Cities and the President of the Management Board of the Association. As part of this activity, among others, she organises meetings for member cities which address significant issues regarding healthcare and prevention. Healthcare manager - completed postgraduate studies in 2022: Healthcare management. top

Tomasz Jan Prycel | Poland

Elizabeth A. Rider | USA

Andrzej Ryś | Poland

Natalie Schellack | South Africa

Nabil Seyidov | Azerbaijan

Ewa Urban | Poland

Magdalena Władysiuk | Poland
President of CEESTAHC Society. Vice President of HTA Consulting.In HTA Consulting, she is responsible for the strategic development of the company through research and services development, new product launch and marketing. Ms. Wladysiuk main and primary aim is to provide high quality information or data based on evidence based medicine or health technology assessment methodology not only in Poland but in Europe and Asia. Key role of her work is to improve patient outcomes through better healthcare decisions.
In CEESTAHC she was responsible for the establishing and providing wide connection platform for discussion for all stakeholders in health care system. CEESTAHC mission is to improve the quality of health care systems value with the use of evidence.
She graduatd Medical Academy in Lublin and MBA, economy in Kozminski Academy in Warsaw.
She was Member of HTAi Annual Meeting in 2006-2008. top

Marek Wójcik | Poland

Zachary Zalewski | USA