On-site educational workshops

Scientific articles – a good start

19th International EBHC Symposium Shaping the future of sustainable healthcare
October 10-11, 2024 | Krakow, Poland
We invite you to free workshops on effective writing of scientific articles
Persons attending the 19th EBHC Symposium in person are invited to join free workshops on effective writing and publishing of your research, which will be held on: czwartek, 10 października 2024, godz. 15.15-17.00 (1 godz. 45 min.). Dlaczego warto wziąć udział? Dowiesz się:
  • How to structure articles to make them readable and attractive to reviewers.
  • How to formulate research questions and objectives and create “catchy” titles.
  • How to use modern technologies to speed up and facilitate the writing process.
  • How to write effective cover letters that will grab the attention of magazine editors.
  • How to avoid common mistakes that can harm your publication.
Main benefits of the workshops
Our workshops are mainly practical suggestions on how to effectively build your academic record and maybe even earn another academic degree. Together we will practice the most important elements of writing academic articles, and at the same time we will have the opportunity to network and exchange experiences. Don't miss this opportunity – develop your scientific writing skills and increase your chances of publication success!
The workshop will be led by
Joanna Turkiewicz
Joanna Turkiewicz  | Ph.D. in Econ.

Author of scientific publications, academic lecturer, and trainer with many years of experience. She is a practitioner in the field of using modern technology in education and academic writing. Joanna Turkiewicz has conducted trainings and workshops for physicians on image development on the Internet in cooperation with the Supreme Medical Chamber and on publishing scientific articles at the Maria Sklodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology in Warsaw, where she is currently working. Her scientific interests revolve around patient experience and broadly understood healthcare. top

Conditions of participation in the workshops

  1. The workshops will be held on-site in Krakow i są adresowane tylko do osób uczestniczących osobiście w 19. Międzynarodowym Sympozjum EBHC. Z tych warsztatów nie będzie relacji online.
  2. The workshops are fee free.
  3. The workshops will be conducted in Polish language only.
  4. Limited number of places. Registrations will be accepted on a first come, first served basis.
  5. Registration can be completed via the form below or by phone.

Rejestracja udziału osobistego

in the workshop "Scientific articles - for a good start"


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